Saturday, May 7, 2011

32 Weeks!

I can’t believe how fast the weeks are flying by!  Here’s what Alpha Mom says about this week:

Your Baby:

  • Is about three pounds, 11 ounces and 16 inches long.
  • Is starting to get pretty crowded in there, so you may feel more subtle, rolling-type movements instead of sharp pointy kicks.


  • May notice a slight change in your belly shape over the next few weeks — kind of…downward sloping. Not so much of a nice shelf for your bowl of ice cream as you’ve had in the past.
  • This change also might signal the retirement of some of your maternity clothes and you’ll need longer shirts instead of just roomy shirts. I can pretty much guarantee that the shirts that no longer fit will be the cutest ones.

I’m definitely feeling more rolling-type movements now instead of punches and kicks.  It is pretty crazy to feel an elbow or foot slide across from one side of your stomach to the other.  Or sometimes I’ll feel movement in all four corners of my stomach at once!  She is definitely getting crowded in there and I can feel her move all the time.  Even when she’s not moving, she’s hiccupping!  I actually started to get sad the other day thinking about not feeling her move anymore a couple weeks from now.  Even though I can’t wait to meet her and am so anxious for that day, there’s just something special about a Mom and baby being together every second.  I know I do my fair share of complaining about pregnancy, but that is one part I will miss.

NOW…onto the parts I won’t miss! Haha!  Pain in the ribs…still got it, Heartburn…still got it, something new…it is getting so hard to get around.  I’m starting to get out of breath really easily and when I stand I have a lot of pressure, so bending over or squatting are seeming near impossible.  This makes having a toddler to take care of, a house that needs to be cleaned, laundry that needs to be done, dinner, dishes, etc…so hard to accomplish.  Sigh.  Which makes me start thinking about what it will be like after having a C-Section when I really won’t be able to do any of those things.  Sigh.  But, things will work out, they always do!

Here we are at 32 weeks:

32 Weeks (3)


Mandi said...

Oh my! It's getting lower :) You look beautiful!

Nicki said...

7 more weeks to go!! YOU CAN DO IT! haha