Monday, August 29, 2011

Where Are We??





We’re at a HOE-TAIL (Ryder’s southern draw version of hotel!)  That’s right, Hurricane Irene took our power away and we haven’t had it since 3:00 on saturday.  We stayed at CJ & Angela’s Saturday night, spent all day Sunday at the garage enjoying the beautiful weather outside, but when it still wasn’t back on lastnight we packed the kids up and drove to a hoetail!  Our house is so hot, muggy, and pitch black…there is no way we could keep the kids there.  So we’re pretending like we’re on vacation and enjoying our stay! 

Mommy & Maisy’s bed:


Daddy & Ryder’s bed:


Somehow Mommy & Daddy were up before the kids this morning!  That’s definitely a first…maybe we should look into getting some black-out curtains for their bedrooms!

Hopefully our power will be back on soon so we can get back home!


Nicole said...

Hope you're enjoying your "mini vaca"! ;) At least you have A/C and lights!! I know it'll be nice to get back home though!

PS - LOVE those jammies Maisy! :)

The Vathes Family said...

I recently bought some blackout curtains for Maddy's room - they work wonders :) Hope the power in your house comes back on today!!

Anonymous said...

That last pix of Maisy and Ryder together looks rather "Jungle-ish" (that wife beater t shirt with ONE arm thru it is lookin like TARZAN... and her and her zebra jammies... LOL TOO CUTE) I'm lovin it! YES!!! BLACK OUT CURTAINS for sure! Just open them during the day time so they have sum natural light! Wouldn't want them to sleep TOO much! That wouldn't leave much time for the "Kissing of the WHOLE FACE"! I told Ryder when uncle G left to bring him home, that he needed to go home and Kiss Maisy's WHOLE FACE for Aunt B! He assured me he would! So it was SOOOO CUTE to get that text from you saying He was doing JUST THAT! How precious is that!? I love it! *HUGS* to all Love Aunt B~

Emily W said...

Sorry your power is out but I think you all are making the best of it with some snuggly family time. The black out curtains sounds like a great idea but then take them away once their teenagers ;) ha! I love how he says hoe tail. All these natural disasters are crazy! Bradley called the earthquake an earthquick! Words they don't usually here a lot they are having to say.