Friday, August 26, 2011

2 Month Dr. Appt

Maisy had her 2 month check-up today.  First let me say how extremely happy I am that we have our Pediatrician back!!  She had left the practice and we were soooooo upset about it because we absolutely love her, but she is already back in the area with a new practice and we were probably the first people to transfer!  Luckily our favorite nurse kept in contact with me and kept me informed on the move, so we were so excited to get there today and be back at “home” with the people we trust! 

Maisy weighs 11 pounds 6 ounces already!  She is in the 50th percentile for weight, so she’s right on track.  She is 23.5 inches long which is the 90th percentile for height!  It’s crazy to have a child completely on the other side of the spectrum considering Ryder just recently even made it onto the charts!  I have started putting her in 3-6 month sleepers because they fit better lengthwise, so I’m not surprised to hear she is so tall for her age.

I’m one of those paranoid Mom’s who doesn’t do more than 2 shots in any visit, so today she only got 2 of the shots they give at 2 months.  We will go back in about a month to get the other 2.  Not long after I got back to work, Nana called and said Maisy was having a really hard time from the shots.  She said her leg was red and looked swollen and she couldn’t calm down or stop crying.  I left work early so I could be there to comfort my baby but by the time I got her home she had fallen fast asleep.  Hopefully when she wakes up she’ll be feeling better!


Anonymous said...

Its always a good idea to give them tylenol before you arrive for the appt...and every 4 hours thereafter for the 24 hours after shots...think about don't want to be miserable (but least we can DO things to help ourselves when we feel pain coming on), so why would we let her be (and she really has no other way to communicate her discomfort TO you until its progressed and so bad enough to CRY about it!) (you may not have had to miss time from work *winks*) Ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure! Shots are NO FUN! *HUGS*

The Steinhauser's said...

Aw poor girl! I hope she feels better when she wakes up!