Saturday, August 6, 2011

Meeting Callie

I was so anxious to get to the hospital yesterday to see Angela after she had her baby.  Normally it would have been because I couldn’t wait to see the baby, but this was so different, I just wanted to see my friend and know that she was okay!  We’re always so concerned with the babies and making sure they’re healthy and that the delivery goes okay, but we never really talk about the risks that the Moms face during delivery.  So finding out that Angela had a seizure during her c-section was so shocking and gut wrenching!  I feel horrible that CJ had to witness that and that Angela had to experience that.  I still don’t understand why that happened, but knowing that her and the baby are okay is what matters.  Once I finally got to see her and talk to her THEN I wanted to give Callie some lovin! 


She’s SO sweet and tiny!  She has the perfect little features and her skin is so smooth.  Seeing Maisy when I got home made me feel like she was so old already!


Awww looking at her pictures makes me excited to see her again.  It was fun being pregnant with one of my very best friends, this is definitely an experience we’ll always look back on…and no matter how rocky the road was getting there, in the end we have two healthy baby girls which makes it all worth it!


Patty B said...

I'm so happy you confirmed that Angela is okay! That's so scary! Callie looks so sweet :)

Emily W said...

Callie does look like a sweet little peanut! I am glad Angela is OK, that was gut wrenching I am sure. You did great blogging for her! :)