Friday, June 25, 2010

Teeth, Tape, Tears, and Treats

Well that about sums up our day!


The teeth next to Ryder’s top two finally poked through the gum today…so my boy finally has more teeth!  I thought he might be stuck with four teeth forever, but have no fear, we have six! 


I’ve read on a lot of other “hemi” kids blogs that their therapists use Kinesio tape so I figured this would be somewhere in our future.  Last week, his new OT at Children’s Hospital put 2 test patches on Ryder’s skin to make sure he wasn’t sensitive to the tape.  Since he wasn’t, we got to try it out for the first time today and I loved it!  Today, she taped around his thumb to help pull it out since he always has it curled in, which gave him a nice open grip.  Check him out holding his Slurpee with TWO hands!

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Even though the taping didn’t hurt, it still brought on tears because Ryder hates to be held down or constrained in any way.  But the real tears came at our next stop when I took him to get his blood work done.  The older he gets, the harder it is to hold him down and make him suffer like that.  I hate it.  But I know it’s for his own good.  But I still hate it.  Look how pitiful he was after all that tormenting:

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And lots of them!  His OT knew we were going to get bloodwork done, so she sent us with a lollipop.  This was a first for him and I don’t think he knew what to do with himself.  I hope you can see the line of drool leading to the puddle of drool on his shorts:


This was before the bloodwork, the lollipop was history by the time she stuck the needle in.  Afterwards we stopped for Treat #2; a slurpee, as you saw above, and then to Walmart to buy Treat #3; an activity table.  I’ve been wanting to buy him one of these to stand up and play at, so after his rough day today I knew he would be thrilled to go home with a new toy.

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It was a good distraction from the teeth, the tape, and the tears.  The treats helped him forget all of his troubles, now Mommy’s headed to get in her treat (the BED) to forget hers too!


Nicki said...

What a busy day for Ryder & you! Glad the blood work is over :)

Diana said...

Pitafull little face :( I love, love, love his cheeks!!!