Sunday, June 27, 2010

Rough Weekend

Ryder has had a pretty rough weekend, poor guy!  After screaming his head off from the shots Thursday and the blood work Friday, he pretty much lost his voice and has been saying all his words in a raspy tone.  He has been running a low grade fever from the shots and I’m sure he’s sore from all the needles, plus sore from his teeth coming in, plus he has a little case of thrush on the inside of his cheek.  He was so sad to wake up Saturday and find out that Daddy wasn’t home.  So that started his day off bad and it didn’t make mine great either.  Alan had a side job to do and we had a wedding to go to.  Wow…let me just say this…I have so much respect for you single Mom’s out there!  I’m so used to being able to hand him off with that “YOUR TURN” look on my face, so it was pretty tiring being on double duty, and that was only for one day!  I managed to stab him with my fork as I balanced him and his plate of food while trying to squeeze through to find a place to sit.  Luckily Nana took him outside for me so that I could eat, and breathe, and remind myself to always be thankful for Daddy’s help.  When we got home, it was bed time, but that was rough because he was overly tired and couldn’t calm down.  Also because me & him took a nap together in Mommy’s bed earlier that day, so he was fighting going to sleep in his crib.  This is also the reason that he cried for 30 minutes before finally giving in and taking a nap in his crib today.  Who knew I’d have to pay such a price for a little cuddle time with my boy!  Today there have been multiple accidents.  He did a face plant off of a piece of exercise equipment, right after he looked at me and said “Danger!”  He knows when he’s being dangerous but tests his limits anyway.  Later, he was so proud of him self when he pulled up to the bed, then let go with both hands, he had the biggest grin until he lost balance and fell, hitting his eye on the box spring on the way down.  Oh, and how can I forget, someone left the toilet seat up and just as I saw Ryder crawl into the bathroom and asked “the toilet seat is down, right?” I heard it come crashing down…of course.  First hitting him in the face, then smashing his fingers. 

So we end the weekend with two bruises on the leg from shots, a bruise on the arm from blood work, swollen gums with 2 teeth cutting through, a sore inside his cheek, a fork mark going up his arm, and a black eye.  It has been a rough one!

15 Months 057


Nicki said...

:( Poor Ryder!! I think we all have days like that, just be glad tomorrow is a new day! And hopefully a better one!

Caleb's mom said...

Hope you have a great week!