Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Weeks Events

It’s always eventful around here. 

Let me start with Saturday – Poppy got crabs for Alan & Gregg’s Birthday so we had a few friends/family over to the garage to indulge.  The kids love running around there getting into everything, especially when they have friends/cousins over to join in on the fun.





Our little country girl!


Sunday one of my favorite girls, Diana, was getting married so Yaya came over and loaded the kids up.  I had to snap these pictures of Maisy waiting patiently to get in her carseat…she is just the sweetest little go-with-the-flow girl!  It helps that she LOVES going to Yaya’s house.

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So Mommy & Daddy were kid free and looking forward to our evening out. 



Diana was absolutely beautiful and it was great to see her dream wedding play out perfectly.

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About the time they were saying “I Do” I got a text from my Mom that Maisy had woke up from her nap and was sick.  She said she had a fever and a lot of congestion in her chest.  This came out of nowhere because that morning she was fine!  On the way home from the wedding I called to check on her and Mom said she was already asleep and that she didn’t mind keeping her still and she’d call me in the morning to let me know how she was.

It’s hard as a Mom to be away from your baby when you know they are sick.  But it’s also hard to turn down an offer for someone to keep both of your kids over night.  Just a side note :)

Early the next morning I called my mom to check on the baby girl and she said she was up most of the night, her cough was horrible and painful, and she just felt like Maisy wasn’t doing good at all.  I decided to head over there and pick her up before work, I brought her home to Alan and he called out of work to take her to the Doctor. 


As soon as the Doctor saw/heard her she told Alan that she was in respiratory distress and wanted him to take her to the hospital for a neck x-ray to see if she had an obstruction.  I felt so bad for him having to do all that alone, but he handled it.  My man! 


Later that day the Pediatrician called me and said the x-ray came back clear but she was still concerned, especially because I told her Alan said she had gotten worse since her visit that morning.  SO to the Emergency Room we went for more x-rays.  They ended up doing a breathing treatment with 2 different kinds of medicines in it, giving her steroids, and taking more x-rays to confirm that she did have an obstruction.  Her breathing airways had swollen which is why she was having such a hard time getting her breath back in, so they told us she had Croup and sent us on our way with meds to make our girl better.  Of course “sent us on our way” didn’t happen until 5 hours after we got there…what a long day for us all!




But it was all worth it to see her smiling again!


When we got home, all we wanted to do was crash for the night, but Maisy was wired from the medicine they gave her and Ryder was excited for us all to be together again so they spent a good 2 hours playing and entertaining each other.  Like on this train Ryder made…he loves it that now he can tell her to do something and she listens.  I feel bad for the day that she decides to be the “instructor”.


I thought all the weeks big events were winding down and we could finish it off with just the normal routine…and then I heard the big thump in the living room!

Followed by a scream for Mommy!

That’s never a good sign.  Lastnight when Ryder was watching his show before bed he fell out of the recliner and somehow gashed his eye open pretty bad.  When I got to him and saw blood everywhere of course I yelled for Alan.  That’s not exactly my area (man I should have started this post with Friday’s events where I got bloodwork done and just about passed out…yes I am that big of a baby).  So yeah back to the blood…ugh or not.  It was pretty bad but when the words “hospital” and “stitches” came out of our mouths Ryder freaked.  So we told him if he could stay calm and let Daddy be the Doctor we might be able to fix it at home and not have to go to the hospital.  Daddy was able to get it to stop bleeding, glob it up with Neosporin, and cover it with a Spiderman band-aid.  He’s definitely going to have a scar…but he’s a boy so I guess I need to get used to that. 



So, what’s today, Thursday??  Here’s to hoping for some peaceful, quiet days ahead.  That include no blood, sick babies, or trips to the Emergency Room!


Nicole said...

That was a lot of events in just a few short days!!! ;) Glad everyone is doing better though!!

The Steinhauser Fam{ily} said...

I am SO glad Maisy is feeling better now! That was scary...and then Ryder had to throw a curveball in the mix, lol. At least everyone is okay now :)