Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Another Family Update

Let me start by saying that today is Daddy’s Birthday!!!  We will be celebrating him all day because without him being born…we wouldn’t be a family right now!  We’re so thankful for the man that he is and the role that he plays in mine, Ryder’s, and Maisy’s lives.  Love this guy!

Alan & Brandy

Last time I wrote, I talked about us trying to buy a house.  Well I think it’s safe to say that God didn’t like that plan and had other ideas on what we needed to spend the money we had saved up on.  We ended up having to replace the transmission in my car, and on October 19th I have to get my wisdom teeth taken out :( :(  I’m bummed that we went from something really exciting, to having to spend money on not-so-fun stuff, but it was definitely a wake up call that there were things we NEED to take care of before we can do the things we WANT.  I’ve never been put to sleep before so I’m panicking about this whole procedure…pray for me.


Maisy had her 15 month check up on Friday.  She weighs 20 pounds and is 30 inches long.  That’s the 25th percentile for weight and 75th percentile for height.  The doctor said she’s perfectly healthy and right on track for development.  She’s still walking around the house screaming all the time, usually because her brother took something from her or yelled at her or she wants to be picked up or she thinks she wants a snack…pick a reason!  She has quite the personality already and can definitely make us laugh just with her reaction to something or her facial expressions.


BIG ANNOUNCEMENT: We have a Pre-Schooler!!!!!  I was so excited to hear at our Eligibility meeting last week that Ryder got into the Special Ed pre-k program!  They have been doing lots of testing on him to see if he would qualify, he had to show a certain percentage of a delay in atleast one area…which he did in both his motor skills and self-help skills.  The Psychologist talked to me about Ryder’s IQ and level of intelligence…we all know he’s a smart boy but hearing it come from a professional solidified my thoughts and makes me realize we’re doing a great thing by getting him into school so early.  They actually already have planned for him to only spend 1 year in the special ed classroom, streamline him into the regular Pre-K next year but still have his therapists pull him out of class, and then get him into the Gifted program when he starts Kindergarten!!


On October 15th we’ll be meeting to set up his IEP (umm Individual Education Plan…maybe) which will be the plan laying out what the teacher will work on with him, what the therapists will work on with him, and what goals they want him to meet.  Then he starts school on October 18th!  He’s going to be riding a bus and everything.  Shew…I can’t believe it, my baby.  It’s such a good thing for him though so I’m keeping it positive.  He is SOOOO excited!!

So that’s a little taste of our Marsh Madness – keep you posted!


The Vathes Family said...

First, happy birthday to Alan :) Second, I can surely see Maisy personality come through in your pictures. She is such a ham!! And third, YAY for Ryder getting into preschool!!! He's gonna do so awesome. Mom and dad, not so much lol at least that first day putting him on the bus :/ so scarey I'm sure.
Don't worry about the wisdom teeth thing either, it's much better being put under. Take it from Nick, if he could do it over he says he would have been put under. Just make sure you have the meds right after and you'll be good to go ;)

Nicole said...

I LOVE that picture of you and Alan! You look beautiful!!! And happy birthday to Mr. Marsh! :) Thanks for marrying this girl who has become a wonderful friend to me and having those two precious babies whom I adore!!!

Hope you guys have a wonderful day celebrating!

Theresa said...

Happy Birthday to your Man!!! Don't worry about the wisdom teeth, the worst part is getting the IV in the arm. I know you'll do great!!!

Caleb's mom said...

Happy Birthday Alan! Yay for Ryder being accepted into the program. You guys are wonderful parents and he couldn't have been blessed with a better momma. I love your family and know that God will continue to bless you with the right things at the right time. p.s.- Maisy is ADORABLE!! OMG! and when i had all 4 of my wisdom teeth pulled at the same time, it was a very painless experience for me up until i got dry socket. so just do what they say after you get home, no straws and all that. everyone seems to have different experiences with it but mine was good. You will be fine! Good luck!

The Steinhauser Fam{ily} said...

Happy Birthday Alan! You have nothing to worry about Brandy, it will go quick & then its over and done with! Your mouth won't hurt anymore, so it will be a huge relief :)

& Its so funny how our girls have really come into their own personalities..& when i read about Maisy... I'm like "yup, Callie too!" Its so fun having them so close in age together!

And as for Ryder... I am so excited for him to start school! He will do great. I always knew he was intelligent beyond his years ;)

The Gimmel Family said...

So happy for Ryder. It is going to be a great experience for him. He will do amazing and make great progress in the motor area. It will be good for the other kids too, he will teach them a thing or two I'm sure:) and you got the IEP acronym right!!