Thursday, October 25, 2012

Field Trip

Ryder had his first ever field trip today!  His class took a trip to the Pumpkin Patch.  He has been looking forward to this day since last week when I told him he’d be going.  So much so that he woke up at 4am this morning asking if it was time to go yet!

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The ride there was his first school bus ride ever!  He said he liked it most when the bus went fast over bumps! 

field trip (2)

The place he went was close to my work, so I snuck over there for a little bit to visit with him (and be his paparazzi, of course).


Him and his classmates played on the playground, fed the goats, had story time, went on a hayride, picked pumpkins, had lunch, then headed home!

field trip (4) field trip (7)


field trip (9)

I didn’t get to stay for all the fun, but I’m glad I could be there to experience this fun first for my boy who is growing up so fast!



Caleb's mom said...

you both so pretttttyyyyyyy

Theresa said...

Lucky you to be able to at least sneak over and participate with him during his field trip. I'm still waiting to be able to be a chaperone for either Harley or Derek. Great picture of you and Ryder btw :-)