Sunday, August 9, 2009

When Daddy’s Gone…

Daddy went on a bike ride this weekend, and when Daddy’s away, things get a little crazy around here. misc 059

We dress in plaid shorts (too preppy!)…

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We hang out with girls (borrrrinnnggg)…

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We wear nightgowns to bed that “look like dresses”…

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And the doggies sleep in bed with Mommy (shhh don’t tell, that’s a big no no)!

Yes, we have been a little rebellious this weekend in Daddy’s absence.  And even though we’ve had so much fun (I guess that depends what you consider fun), we can’t wait for him to come home to give him big hugs and kisses.  But first, we better go get our act together :)   

1 comment:

Emily W said...

He gets cuter everyday. Love the mohawk pic! You are doing such a great job as mommy!