Friday, August 21, 2009

Ryder’s Favorite Things

Mandi came up with a great idea for a post – writing down your baby’s favorite things at a certain age.  Right now Ryder is 5 months old, and even though he can’t point or tell me what his favorite things are, I have a pretty good idea!

5 Months 052 He LOVES this blanket!  It was made for him by Sonia Vathes, our friend Nick’s mom.  It’s super soft and was made with love – doesn’t get much better than that!  I hated not putting a blanket on him when he went to bed (they say not to because they could suffocate themselves), so my logic was that since this blanket has holes in it, I could let him sleep with it, and in the event he did pull it over his face he would still be able to breathe!  So, that’s how it all began and now he’s attached.  He holds it, talks to it, chews on it, and at night when I lay him down and he’s fidgeting, I cover him up and he feels warm and secure and goes right to sleep (okay maybe it’s not always that easy…but you get the picture!)

5 Months 048 

Blaize the Bear (I know some of you are laughing…yes we decided that Blaize was a better name for a Bear than for a Baby!)  This is Ryder’s riding buddy.  He stays in the car and rides with Ryder wherever we go.  As soon as I strap Ryder in, I give him his bear and he immediately opens his mouth wide and shoves the bear in.  He loves to chew on him and squeeze him, he even wraps his legs around him.  It’s really hard (and unsafe) to get pictures of him & Blaize while I’m driving, so just take my word for it, it’s really cute!

5 Months 058

He loves this chair,  I guess because he’s sitting high up and can see everything that is going on around him.  This is where he sits while I get his bottles ready, when he takes his medicine, while we eat dinner, when we’re getting ready to go somewhere, oh yeah and when he eats (the whole point of the chair in the first place).  Most things that we put him in to entertain him don’t really do the trick, he has had enough after only a short while.  But this chair keeps him occupied (I think he might take after his Mommy – always wanting to know what’s going on!)

His Activity gym has always been one of his favorite things!  I figured he would get tired of it, but seems to love it just as much each time he lays on it.  I don’t know what got into him this night (I think the peas are making him crazy!) but he sure put some energy into playing with it. 

5 Months 047

He loves the hair on his Daddy’s face (Mommy not so much).  Whenever Alan’s face is close to him, Ryder is reaching up, grabbing his face, just rubbing and scratching.  He must like the way it feels, or maybe he just likes having his Daddy really close to him.

And the #1 most FAVORITE thing of Ryder’s (besides me of course!)…is….drum roll please…



5 Months 013a

HIS TOES!!!  It’s a good thing it’s not something that we could forget to take with us somewhere, or ever lose place of…because we’d be in big trouble.  This is his new found obsession, he’s always checking to make sure they’re still there, and is equally excited each time he realizes they are. 

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