Thursday, January 17, 2013

Maisy Movies!

Oh this little girl.  Now that she is talking and understanding things it is so fun to have little conversations with her!  She keeps us laughing!!

Any time she is near my phone or the computer she says “Bruva sing, Bruva sing, Bruva sing” over and over and over and over because her favorite video ever to watch is the video of Ryder singing at Church.  She would seriously watch it on repeat a million times if she could.  She sings along, adds her little dance moves, and laughs and claps.  It’s almost as entertaining watching her watch him, as it is watching the actual video!

Please ignore the vocals on this next clip and just enjoy the cuteness!


The Steinhauser Fam{ily} said...

Aw SOO SOOO cute! :) Can you believe how much they've changed already?!? So sweet!

Liz said...

These are so cute! Reminds me of Pia whens he was that small.
I did leave a follow-up comment for you on my eczema post. I can get you the info if you want it. :)

The Vathes Family said...

Oh my goodness I can't believe how much she has grown and how well she is talking. She looks like a little rapuzel to me, her little body and all that hair!!! lol gorgeous. Loved the videos!!

Unknown said...

She is precious for sure, just like your header picture says. I love this age! Once again you remind me that I need to take more videos.