Monday, April 30, 2012


I usually like to have some kind of common theme in my posts…but don’t expect that today.  Just a bunch of random pictures to show and things to say.  Thumbs up if you’re ready…

Maisy thumb

Maisy is so funny…she loves to give thumbs up, she actually points with her thumb.  I love that her little quirks are coming out.


What kid doesn’t like spaghettio’s?!  Had to get a picture of her first experience with them.   Even after she eats, she always sneaks over to see what Daddy has, they love sharing food together.


Ryder has been really surprising me lately with his independence and ability to over come some of his long time fears.  He is actually sliding down a slide by himself now!  He used to not have the trunk strength to do this so he stayed away.  But now not only is he sliding alone, he is climbing ladders and stairs to get up to the slide!  As you can see by his facial expressions, this is more like work to him, I don’t think he realizes he’s supposed to be enjoying it.  But he’s SO proud of himself and we are too!


Ryder’s botox procedure has been rescheduled for May 8th and his cast is supposed to be put on May 11th.  Praying that God will either allow it to happen this time or not allow it.  We can’t make the decision ourselves. 


Anyone want a cracker?


Or a nap??  I love bringing her bottle to her in the morning and looking at her sleepy little eyes.


I have to tell you, I am loving this new haircut!!  I love seeing his sweet face, looking all boyish all the time now, I can’t get enough of him.  And MAN does he look like his Daddy now! 


Maisy stayed with Yaya the night we got Ryder’s hair cut so she didn’t see him until the next day.  Her reaction was hilarious, she just stared at him, then she would half smile, then she’d get serious, little smile, serious, big smile, I could just see the wheels turning in her head “There’s my big brother…wait…is that him??  Yeah that’s him!  Isn’t it???”  I’m sure she’s bummed that now her biggest weapon has been destroyed, no more hair to pull!  But strangely enough, he seems to be enjoying her company these days as she takes it upon herself to climb in his chair, while he’s sitting in it.  I caught them watching tv together like this the other day:


063 064 065 



It’s all fun and games…until someone decides they need attention.

I felt like saying to Maisy “You climbed in the chair HE was sitting in and now you’re mad that He’s touching You?!”  But you can’t exactly reason with a 10 month old. 


Don’t let them fool you, they really do love each other!

Ryder & Maisy

Back to the randomness.  There is nothing more random than turning the corner to see this!


Want to know what I’ve been enjoying lately?  The new Instagram app on my phone!  It helps that I have 2 cute little subjects who make snapping pictures then editing them so fun.




These next 2 pictures crack me up, taken only a few weeks apart and it doesn’t even look like the same child!

Instagram4 Instagram5

Daddy bought Ryder his very own fishing pole and tackle box.  We hid it in the front yard and sent him out to go find his surprise.  As soon as he saw it he yelled “A fishing pole??!!  I’ve been wanting one of those for THREE YEARS!!!”

Okay a few more Ryder funnies and I’ll stop rambling.

When he got his hair cut, he looked in the mirror and the first thing he said was “It looks like I have a crown on my head!  I’m the King of the Castle!!!”  sounds about right.

I had the heat on in the car the other day and Ryder says “Momma, turn that heat off, it’s HOTTIN me up in here!”

He wrote a song about me on our walk today.  It went like this “She pushes my stroller, she’s a rockin a roller”.  That’s pretty clever, right??!!  (maybe it’ll be available on iTunes someday!)

So we’ve been having the conversation about being saved, and how when you’re old enough to make that decision and you feel ready you can ask Jesus to come live in your heart.  A few days ago Ryder comes running out of his room as if he had just seen a ghost “YOU GUYSSSS…what was that funny noise in my heart????”  Me & Alan were a little puzzled, we asked him if he had burped or hiccupped or something…but no it was not that.  So we just said we didn’t know but let us know if it happened again.  A few nights later we were in the middle of praying at bedtime and Ryder interrupts with “And Momma can you PLEASE ask Jesus if that was him that made that funny noise in my heart the last other day??”

That’s all I’ve got…for now :)


Nicole said...

That picture of Ryder in the Harley hoodie looks EXACTLY like Alan! Wow! Those pictures of him and Maisy are too cute! We're only just beginning to embark on the world of sibling love/rivalry I think! haha

The Steinhauser Fam{ily} said...

I am IN LOVE with his new haircut! Its beyond adorable and fits him perfectly! I think what i love most about it is that you don't have to gel it up and it still looks great..messy and cute! And you are right, he absolutly looks like his daddy :) its just amazing how a haircut can change a person's whole look like that!

Caleb's mom said...

i just LOVE your posts. cutest little things! I love Ryders hair! he looks so much older tho!

The Vathes Family said...

I just love Ryder's conversations so much. He's so funny! Those pictures of he and Maisy are so sweet too!

Unknown said...

Love the new haircut! Love Maisy's thumbs up and Love your new instagram pics. Your kids are amazing and too fun! I think Ryder looks so much like a big boy with his new style, it makes him look a lot different! I love it so I see how as his mommy you can't get enough of him :)