Monday, December 6, 2010

Weekend Wrap-Up

We survived the Ocean City trip!  Sorry but I feel like that is a major accomplishment on our part (the 4 mommies who braved the trip!)  The kids were SO good and I can’t praise them enough for how well they did on this trip.  We all know how important it is to have kids on a schedule, so when you know that you are going to have a weekend filled with activities that that don’t leave room for the schedule, you never know what kind of outcome you will get!

We started with dinner Friday night and finally got on the road to OC around 8:00, making it there sometime after 11.  Alan bought Ryder some DVD players for the car and installed them right before we left.  We weren’t sure if he would be interested since he won’t watch tv at home…but WOW…he loved these things!!  Patty put an Elmo DVD on for him and Luke and they kept laughing and were so excited!  Ryder looks so wired in this picture like he can’t believe Elmo is alive in the car!


We were all exhausted once we got there, the Mommy’s that is, the kids got a second wind as soon as we opened the door to Patty’s parents beautiful house and they ran wild until about midnight when we all knew they needed to go to bed!

Saturday morning we were up bright and early, went and had breakfast, then started our outlet shopping.  Amazingly the kids let us shop from 9am until 4pm!!  They did so good, I still can’t get over it. 

There were times when Ryder needed a break from his stroller, so I was glad they had these little rides sitting around, he enjoyed sitting on them (as long as I didnt try to turn them on!)



I did manage to snap a few pictures while we shopped, Mikayla cracked me up when she rolled over to fall asleep!

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And this was what we looked like most of the time, running through the parking lots, trying to get to the next store!  People thought it was hilarious to see 4 moms with 4 strollers going in and out of the stores like we were, they were calling us the Mommy Brigade!



After shopping, we went back to the house and ate dinner at home so the kids could have some down time…or wait, the Mommy’s had down time and the kids finally had a chance to run around and get some energy out.  They LOVED Patty’s house!  And you KNOW Ryder found the closet that held the broom, and the “dust mop”!  But wait, there was no vaccuum in there.  It didn’t take him long to find the closet that had the vaccuum in it, Patty said he must have sniffed it out because no one ever showed him where it was!  I don’t know why I didnt take any pictures of the kids at the house!  Later that evening, we bundled up and headed to the Winterfest of Lights. This was fun to bring the kids to, although I think they were more fascinated with the train ride than the actual lights.

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Sunday morning, we packed up and headed home!  It was definitely exhausting trying to get 4 kids in and out of the house and the cars and the strollers and packed and unpacked, but it was an adventure and is always fun when we’re with our friends :)

When we got back to “Maralynn’s house” (that’s what Ryder calls it when I tell him we have to go to Maryland for something!) we headed straight to set up for Jamie’s baby shower!  I was really excited to get to help with this shower and have a day to celebrate baby Elijah and his Mommy.  Unfortunately I didn’t get my camera out one time, but the shower was beautiful and so was Jamie!  I’m sure she’ll have pictures on her blog soon.


The Vathes Family said...

Sounds like a super fun yet exhausting weekend lol I just love that picture of you and Ryder together, you guys are adorable!!

The Steinhauser Family said...

I love that picture of you and Ryder together :) Sounds like you momma's had a good trip!

The Baldwin Family said...

Thanks for driving Brandy! I enjoyed the trip to and from- pretty much our only "downtime!"

Karen Reitz-Wood said...

I am glad you girls had a great time!