Monday, March 12, 2012

No Botox Tomorrow!

How does that Bible verse go…”Ask and ye shall receive” yeah that’s about how I feel right now!  Vicki called right after nap time and said Ryder woke up throwing up everywhere, and it has stayed pretty constant since then.  He has definitely come down with a stomach bug, which means getting anesthesia for the Botox injections tomorrow is out of the question.  I’m feeling kind of guilty, honestly, like I wished a sickness on him.  But I’m trying not to over analyze and just know that things happen in God’s perfect timing, so it obviously wasn’t meant for him to have the procedure done tomorrow.  One less thing to worry about…well wait, now I have to worry about my sick boy who can’t stop throwing up, trying to prevent Maisy or either of us from getting it, and everyone getting well in time for the Birthday celebrations this weekend!  Always something to worry about!


The Vathes Family said...

Wow, if that's not a sign I don't know what is. Everything happens for a reason! I hope Ryder feels better and you all don't catch the bug!! You're right though, it's always something and that something always seems to happen right before a big event :-/

Unknown said...

Oh no! That pesky stomach bug! I really hope it doesnt last long and you guys are spared and don't catch it! Dont worry be happy :) It will all be over soon and let God do all the worrying for you since he already seems to have things in his hands!

Theresa said...

Aww, poor thing! I hope Ryder feels better soon and I pray that you all don't catch it!