Sunday, March 25, 2012

9 Months!


What a fun month this has been!  Here is what Maisy is up to at 9 months old:

  • She’s wearing 6-9 month clothes and size 3 diapers.
  • She eats 4 – 6 oz bottles a day, Stage 3 foods for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, plus has tried lots more table food this month like macaroni & cheese, beans, peas, crackers, toast, and even a cupcake for big brothers birthday!  She loves puffs and yogurt melts for her snacks.
  • She goes to bed at 7pm and sleeps atleast 10 hours, usually waking up around 5 or 6.  She takes a morning and afternoon nap every day. 
  • Her personality has really come through this month, she is SO silly!!  She keeps us laughing with her little face where she scrunches her nose, her hitch-hiking thumb she likes to wiggle and uses it to point at things, waving all the time, and shaking her head no!
  • She has also become more vocal, growling when she’s mad, actually saying “hiiiiii” when she waves, and of course saying Dadadada all day long, and only Mama when she’s tired and upset.  She has thrown a couple Nana’s in there this month and finally said Pap-Pap 1 time!  (Pap might still be smiling about this!)
  • Her favorite games to play right now are Patty Cake & Peek-a-boo.  She look so adorable clapping her hands and it’s hilarious when she covers her face up with something, then pulls it down and gets the biggest grin when you tell her peek-a-boo!
  • She has become quite the Daddy’s girl this month!  She is the happiest when he’s tossing her around, doing flips, tickling her, or just squeezing her tight.  She crawls the fastest when she hears his voice and tries to find him, when he’s holding her she grabs his face and licks him, the girl just can’t get enough of her Daddy.
  • She’s still very cuddly, when you pick her up she lays her head on your shoulder and snuggles right in.  The lady’s in the nursery at Church love this about Maisy because she literally lets them cuddle her for an hour!
  • BUT…as soon as you put the girl down, she is OFF.  She crawls so fast, pulls up, cruises along things, squats down to pick stuff up then stands right back up, she transitions from one thing to another, and even lets go only to come crashing down!  She has 100 accidents a day and gets right back up to try it again!  She’s a tough little girl for sure.

How can she not be tough when she has a brother who likes to pick on her all day long!  Or ride on her back…this poor girl.  She’s so strong though, she will actually pull him along when he gets on top of her! 


Our family has been truly blessed by this little girl.  She has been an easy baby, sticks to her schedule, goes along with whatever we’re doing, keeps us smiling and laughing, what a joy she is to have around, I just can’t say enough about her!  We’ll see what the next month brings :)


Nicole said...

Happy 9 Months Maisy girl!! You get cuter each day :)

The Steinhauser Fam{ily} said...

She is by far the fastest baby I have ever seen doing all these things she is doing.. crawling, standing, crusing, etc! She is on a ROLL! Happy 9 months Maisy girl :)

Unknown said...

She is so sweet. Happy 9 months Maisy! It does not surprise me how brilliant she is :)