Thursday, February 11, 2010

Yaya’s Back in Town!

My Mom went to Hawaii to visit with my Sister-in-law Ashley and my niece Trinity while my oldest brother Tim is deployed.  She has been gone for 2 whole weeks…and we’re so glad to have her back!  Although I’m sure she’s not too thrilled to go from this:HawaiiTo coming home to blizzard left-overs, but I know she missed us like crazy and is so glad to be home, even if it does mean having to deal with a couple feet of snow & ice (lucky for her she has the best son-in-law ever who shoveled her driveway and made a path to her door!)

Look at these adorable clothes Yaya brought home for Ryder all the way from Hawaii:10 Months 246

Aunt Megan picked her up from the airport, so we met up with them on the way back.  Leave it to Megan to have the cutest hoodie ever to add to Ryder’s Paul Frank collection (she keeps my boy in style!). 

10 Months 250  He’s one lucky guy :-)

1 comment:

Karen Reitz-Wood said...

He is going to be styling for sure. Those little shorts are cute!