Sunday, February 7, 2010

Snowed In

The Blizzard of 2010 has come to an end…but that doesn’t mean we can get anywhere.  We’ve been snowed in since Friday, and I must say, it has been perfectly fine with me!  10 Months 204 10 Months 203 I took Ryder back to the Doctor on Friday because he developed a horrible cough and I started getting worried about being snowed in and him getting severely sick.  Luckily they listened to his lungs, checked his ears, all that good stuff, and everything was perfectly clear.  He was just really congested and there was nothing they could do for that.  As the weekend has progressed, he has gotten better…each day a little less fussy and a little less congested.  His cough still sounds bad, but I can tell he’s feeling much better than last week. 

So…what do you do when you’re snowed in for an entire weekend??

Well, we’ve eaten most of our meals over at Poppy & Nana’s house.  They live just a few streets over, so even though I still consider it being snowed in, we do have a little escape!  We discovered that Ryder has a slight obsession with French Toast…10 Months 20010 Months 201 10 Months 199We’ve spent lots of time watching movies, cleaning, relaxing, playing with Ryder’s toys, naming everything he points at, and finding random ways to entertain ourselves.  Like tying this balloon to his walker…he thought that was the greatest thing ever!10 Months 21310 Months 210One thing we didn’t do…is build another igloo.  Sorry to disappoint!  With all this snow, it probably would’ve been as big as our house!     


Diana said...

I LOVE those little cheeks of his :) And I hope he feels better REAL soon!!!

The Vathes Family said...

I'm with you, being snowed in all weekend was perfectly fine by me, I love it =) Glad to hear nothing serious is going on with Ryder, hope he starts feeling better soon!!