Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Me + Maternity Leave

Me + Maternity Leave + Infomercials = Bad Combination!!

Seriously!  This happened to me when I was on maternity leave with Ryder too.  I wake up for those late night feedings, turn the TV on so I can have some light, and get sucked right in to every single infomercial!  They make me feel like I HAVE to have whatever they are selling.  By the end of my maternity leave with Ryder, I was the proud owner of the Turbo Snake Drain Cleaner, the Perfect Mop, P90X, Bare Minerals, Ab Circle Pro, Your Baby Can Read...I was out of control! 

And so it begins…


I bought the Shark Navigator Vacuum!! (With no loss of suction AND a detachable canister!)


I don’t know who was more excited, Me or Ryder!  Before I even told him what it was he said “Dis must be our new Shark Vacuum!”  I love this kid for getting excited about things with me!


AND it came with a free steam mop!  SOLD!

I’m really going to try to make this my only purchase…TRY being the key word here.  I can’t make any promises because I might need the Bender Ball if I ever want my stomach to recover from having 2 kids! 

Alan says I’m corrupting her -


No, we weren’t watching infomercials…we were watching the Real Housewives of New York. thankyouverymuch.


The Vathes Family said...

First, oh my gosh you are hilarious, Brandy LOL!!! And second, I WANT ONE!!! I've seen those and have been so close to buying it but I always seem to talk myself out of it. I've heard the steam mop works so well on hard wood floors. Let me know how it works :)

Anonymous said...

Ok see... I appreciate the fact that you didn't throw ME under the bus to my nephew...but go on... tell the REAL REASON why you wanted "THE SHARK".... (((I should so be their spokesperson, I swear... I tell EVERYONE about the thing!))) And here I am using a lowest of the line Shark Steam Mop...I'm tellin ya...that mop makes me WISH I Had HARDWOOD floors throughout...maybe it's the smell of "steam" or sumthin... cuz I LOOOOOOOOOVE IRONING, TOO! Sighsssssssssss.... I AM SOOOOO JEALOUS! Hugs, Aunt B~

Anonymous said...

PS ALAN... NETFLIX is only $8 a month and you can watch anything you want...(no infomercials) Much cheaper than a Satellite bill AND shop at home network bill! lol

The Steinhauser's said...

You are hilarious, hahaha! How does that Turbo snake work?? I was always curious if it really did work or not lol! And if you already have an ab circle pro thingy, you dont need a bender ball silly ;)

Nicki said...

LOL, this post had me cracking up. This is why I don't turn those infomercials on! :)