Wednesday, July 20, 2011

God Knows

Just when I thought I had this whole “Mommy of Two” thing figured out and under control, a day like today comes along.  Eating every 3 hours turned into every 1.5 hours lastnight for Maisy, resulting in very little sleep for either of us.  Ryder wakes up crying, which is never a good thing.  All we needed to do was get fed, dressed, and out the door.  Simple enough, right?  Yesterday we had to leave to get Ryder to therapy (an hour each way), our first time out alone as Mommy with both kids and all was smooth sailing!  Today all we had to do was drive 2 minutes down the street, piece of cake…WRONG!  So wrong. 

Maisy didn’t know whether she was hungry, or tired, or both!  Ryder just plain didn’t know what he wanted.  He didn’t want to get dressed, he didn’t want his shoes on, his hair done, he DID however make it known through tears and screams that he wanted to go on a treasure hunt.  Treasure hunting was not in Mommy’s plans this morning, my only goals were to get fed, dressed, and out the door.  Since none of these things were happening, I got frustrated.  I just really wanted to join in the tears and cry with both of them.  Since I knew that wasn’t going to get me anywhere, I tried yelling…which led to more tears…not the result I was looking for.

We did eventually get out the door, I brought Ryder to Nana’s and me & Maisy headed to run the errands I needed to get done (not without more tears because she decided she didn’t like her carseat today!).

By the time I got home, it was 10am, and felt like it should have been 10pm.  I noticed a little gift sitting on the buffet by the front door and remembered that Cindy had sent it home with Alan lastnight for Me & Maisy.  It was from an elderly lady in the Church named Margie.  A bar of soap for Mommy, a baby photo album, and a card that read “Praise God for Children!” (far from what I had been doing this morning!).  But what really spoke to me and made me realize that God knows each and every time that I struggle was a page that had been ripped out of a devotional book and placed inside of her card to me. 

Nurture Your Children in the Lord

And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Ephesians 6:4

“Family relationships can frequently be frustrating, challenging, and even hurtful.  But, they can also bring us joy and blessing.  Paul had a special word for fathers (and mothers as well) in today’s verse.  If adults aren’t careful, they can place unreasonable expectations on children.  A child’s tender heart can be quickly wounded by harsh words.  Paul balanced his warning with encouragement to train children in God’s ways, disciplining them while loving them.  Parents are intentionally to cultivate their children’s interest and knowledge in spiritual truth, using biblical principles.  A spiritually and emotionally well-nurtured child is a joy to parents, as well as to God!”

Somehow Margie knew that I was going to need this encouragement.  Thank God for the elderly women of the Church who care enough about us young Mom’s to share their wisdom and truth with us.

Of course when I read that I realized how NOT nurturing I was to my children this morning.  Then I thanked God for his unconditional love and forgiveness and for being with me when I struggle.  I want to be patient, nurturing, loving, and kind to my children ALL the time…not just when I’ve had enough sleep and my morning cup of coffee!

Excuse me while I go snuggle my girl to sleep then set up the biggest baddest treasure hunt my boy has ever seen!


Diana said...

This really brought tears to my eyes because it's so true. And sometimes with only one child I need to remember to nurture my child and disipline while loving him. Thanks B, I needed this today! I can't wait to hear about that phenemonial treasure hunt! You're such a great mother! I love and miss you!

The Steinhauser Fam{ily} said...

Thanks for sharing you're struggles and that part in the devotional book she left you! I know I have my days where I take my pregnancy frustrations out on Carter and I'm not as patient with him! Its nice having other moms who can relate in some way and we have eachother to lean on :) We just have to do the best we can and for the record, I think you are doing AWESOME! :)

The Vathes Family said...

It never ceases to amaze me how God works on us in these mysterious ways, gives me goose bumps :)Thanks for sharing that Brandy!!

Theresa said...

Oh the joys of motherhood with 2 or more!!!! Your so right Brandy, God knows and finds ways to let us know that everything we do is worth it and it's going to be ok. I remember coming home from the hospital after having Melissa and all 3 of my kids were crying for my attention and didn't want anyone else but Mommy!!! Talk about STRESSFUL, I was in pain, hormones were CRAZY out of control and I wanted so bad to go straight back to the hospital b/c it was quiet there! LOL, but I've got this Mommy to 3 thing down. Now, there are my moments where I want to cry right along with them, pull my hair out or just plain run and hide but all of those moments make the good moments with my babies SO WORTH IT!!!! Hang in there girl, everything does get easier!!!

Emily W. said...

All I can say is He is so awesome to orchestrate your day getting better. The best part is you are giving him the glory! Have fun with your two treasures tonight and you will do wonderful for the long haul of being a mommy!

Patty B said...

You took the lesson that was right in front of your face and used it! That's awesome... if I was feeling really overwhelmed or tired I may have left that verse to practice another day :) But, you embraced it and that makes you an amazing Mom!!

Liz said...

This is great, and you are doing great as a Mommy of two. A wonderful lesson learned for all the Mom's out there. Thanks for sharing!