Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Daddy, Don’t Goooo!

Back to work that is!  Alan’s company gave him a week of Paternity leave, so he was off work all week last week.  This weekend we decided that it just wasn’t long enough, so Me & Ryder begged for him to stay home a few more days (I’m sure you know how much arm twisting that took!) and now the time has come that he really has to go back to work tomorrow…but not without some sad faces and whining from his favorite little Marshes that he’s leaving behind.  Dadddddyyyyy don’t goooooo!

Alan & Ryder have spent every second together for the past week and a half, they are both going to be having serious withdrawals tomorrow.  Ryder has enjoyed all of the playtime with Daddy…they’ve been swimming, shopping, hanging at the garage, rough-housing, it has been an overload of Daddy/Son bonding time.  I’ll choose not to dwell on how bath night has been stretched a little further than Mommy can stand, or how bed time has been pushed back, how milk is not the drink of choice around here anymore, and how the TV stays on all day.  Because on top of taking care of Ryder’s every need (and want!) all of the home-cooked breakfasts, errands he has run, trips to therapy he has made, cleaning he has done…I could go on and on, have made me appreciate this man even more than I already did.  Even if he is leaving me with a monster I’m gonna have to tame!


“Momma, Ryder got a gun in da holsta!”


“and BIG muscle arms!”


Such a Daddy’s boy!  Every thing that comes out of his mouth reminds me of just how much time they have spent together this week! 


They’ve even started dressing like twins…


And falling asleep together! 

I’m telling you, these two aren’t going to know what to do without each other during the day.  And I’m sure Daddy is going to miss his sweet girl too!


We’re going to miss Daddy lots, but I’m so thankful for all of this time we’ve had to be at home together and get used to being a family of 4!


Anonymous said...



The Steinhauser Fam{ily} said...

Aww how sweet! I hope today goes smooth for you, handling it all alone! Im sure Ryder will go easy on ya ;)

Anonymous said...

What a sweeeeeeeeeeeet lil face she has...awwwwwwwwwe ...... still waiting to kiss her whole face ...... and Ryders, too! If you need ANYTHING I'm a phone call away, gurlie! HUGS LOVE YOU GUYS Aunt B~