Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Kidney Update!

Ryder saw his kidney doctor today and the appointment went so good. They tested 3 different levels in his blood that give them a clue as to how the kidneys are functioning and all 3 came back normal (yay!). Then they did a sonogram to look at both kidneys and his bladder. The Dr. said that both kidneys have grown over a centimeter since last month which he explained is great news because if the kidney had been damaged too bad and lost all function it would not be growing. The fluid that was surrounding the left kidney after it ruptured is completely gone now which means that the kidney absorbed and processed it (another sign that the kidney is functioning). The only thing we have to keep an eye on are some pockets of fluid that are left inside the kidney. I don't know when we'll get a definite answer as to how much function the left kidney has, but it's definitely doing something...which is such a blessing considering we thought he would only be living with one kidney. We go back in 2 months, so we'll see how everything is doing then!
Oh and he weighed 9 pounds 3 ounces today!! My boy is getting big! I don't have a picture to go along with the day, so I guess I'll have to post one we took of him this weekend. It's my favorite picture of him so far. This is what happens when Daddy gets him dressed and ready to go out:

Monday, May 25, 2009


I finally took the time to do some research and figure out why my comment section wasn't working. It's fixed now...comment away!

Saturday, May 23, 2009


Having a new baby around is such a learning experience. Everything seems to be trial and error. People said to me over and over "You'll just figure it out"...I had no clue what this meant until the day we brought Ryder home. And, ever since then, we have just kind of figured everything out! My latest struggle has been trying to get things done around the house. I just can't find the time, or the extra set of hands to get anything done. So yesterday, I really wanted to clean my kitchen. I put Ryder in his bassinet, gave him his pacifier and headed to the kitchen. I put one dish away, and he starts crying. I stop what I'm doing, go over, put his pacifier back in his mouth, and head back for dish number two. This went on for about 10 dishes when I realized there had to be an easier way. Sidenote: I know some of you are thinking "just let him cry!" My kitchen would not get clean any faster if I just let the baby sit there and cry, because I cannot focus when he's crying. I can multi-task in ANY other situation, but for some reason, I can't do a thing when that baby starts crying. Yes, eventually there will come a time when I will have to just let him cry, but that time is not now. Okay, moving on...there must be an easier way. LIGHTBULB: I remembered that I had received a Snugli as a gift at my baby shower. I took it out of the package, figured out how the thing worked, and put it to use. Here are the results:

My View Looking Down...I think we got this right baby

His view looking up...Ummm Mom, you still there?

Ahhh, sleeping baby, I love this thing!

Me + Ryder + Snugli = Clean Kitchen!!

What an amazing invention...I bet I know who came up with that! A mom who needed her hands back. As I walked around with Ryder attached to me in this Snugli, I realized what a flashback this was for both of us. It reminded me of when I was pregnant and I used to carry him around in front of me everywhere I went. Only this time was way better because I could look down and see that sweet face, instead of looking down with a million questions about this mystery man. By him falling asleep within 5 minutes of being in the Snugli, I realized that for him it brought him back to that close, safe comfort that he used to have in the womb where he could just listen to my heartbeat all day and get rocked to sleep by my movements. It was at this moment that I realized what a strong bond I will always have with my son, and that no matter what he will love me because I'm his mommy (even when I have to just let him cry!)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Happy Birthday Carter!!

Today is our best friends CJ & Angela's son Carter's FIRST Birthday! We celebrated his birthday with him on Sunday at his house. We missed all of the festivities because of Ryder's dedication, but we got there just in time to watch all the kids play together. Of course Ryder was too little to join in, but he had fun being passed around to all the adults, making all the other kids jealous! I'm sure it will be no time before they will be playing together and we won't even be able to tell the age difference since it's less than a year between all of them.
I know Angela can't believe that her baby boy is already one year old, is practically walking, and is speaking new words all the time. I'm watching him grow so fast, right before my eyes, and it's reminding me to cherish this time that I have with Ryder because it won't be like this for long!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CARTER! We love you very much and are so proud of the big strong boy you have already become. ~ The Marsh's

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Two Months Old!!

Ryder is 2 whole months old today! He had a dr. appt this morning and got his first round of shots, plus he got bloodwork done that was requested by his kidney doctor. Needless to say he has had a pretty rough day. Through it all, I still managed to squeeze one little photo session out of him:

What Ryder is doing at 2 months old:
  • He weighs 8 lbs 9.5 oz which is in the 3rd percentile for his age
  • He is 22.5 inches long which is in the 50th percentile for his age
  • He smiles now and is starting to coo and make lots of noises.
  • He's holding his head up for longer periods of time
  • He still eats every 3 hours but has been going a little longer at night since I started supplementing with formula for his night time feeds
  • He sleeps a lot less during the day, usually taking a 30-45 minute nap between feeds
  • He really enjoys bathtime, playing with his favorite toy (the horse pictured above), and talking to Mommy & Daddy.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Ryder's Dedication

The Dedication of Ryder Joseph Marsh
May 17th, 2009

This was such a special day for us and for Ryder. Today we made a promise to our family, our Church, and most importantly to God, to raise Ryder in a Christian home and lead him to find Jesus. When the family and friends were asked to stand and join us in making that promise it was very overwhelming. I knew that the congregation was filled mostly with our family and very best friends, but the visual was breathtaking. To see that many people stand in support of us and to see the love that they have for Ryder in all of their faces...I just can't even put the feeling into words. Thank you, to all of you, you are so special to us and make us feel complete. Pastor Joe said this during the sermon today "Children learn what they live" and we believe that statement to be so true. I pray that we can show him a life filled with God's love and that one day he will find Jesus as his Lord and Savior. In this world, I don't know how anyone survives without Him.

Friday, May 15, 2009

All the Little Pieces

"Look at his little hand!", "Look how cute his elbow is!", "I love the back of his head"...these are comments that Alan and I make on a daily basis. It's like we just can't believe how cute all these little pieces are that have come together to bring us a beautiful son.

Friday, May 8, 2009

A Tribute to The Moms!

"Her children rise up and call her blessed"
Proverbs 31:28

What better time than Mother's Day to take a moment to recognize the Mom's in our lives. One day soon Ryder will know who each of these women are and realize how lucky he is to have them in his life.
Yaya (Brandy's Mom)
This is a beautiful woman, inside and out. She has a huge, caring, genuine heart and makes those close to her know how special and loved they are. She has always been there for Me & Alan, no matter what situation we have gotten ourselves into. We are forever thankful for her love and support. Yaya LOVES her Grandson, she just can't get enough of him. I think he's pretty into her too!

Grandma (Alan's Mom)
Ryder's Grandma went home to be with the Lord on August 3rd, 2005, which still seems like yesterday. She was and always will be very special to us. As Ryder grows up, we will tell him what an amazing woman and mother she was. We will share all the memories from the time that we had with her, and show him pictures so that without a doubt he will know who his Grandma was. Most importantly we want him to know that if she was here, she would be absolutely in love with him. We wish so bad that she was here, now more than ever, because of the joy that this little bundle would've brought to her life.

Nana (Alan's Step-Mom)
Nana is a woman who has love pouring from her heart. She wants nothing but the best for us always. She genuinely cares about our well-being and will do whatever she can to help. We love and appreciate her for always being there, for her wisdom, and for everything she has done over the years. She will spoil Ryder rotten, I can be sure of this because the spoiling has already begun! In return, I know that he will love and cherish her as we do.

Mommy (ME!)
I can't sit here and act like I have this Mommy thing down and that I deserve any praise for the 7 weeks I have been a Mom. What I can do is hope that one Mother's Day, Ryder will appreciate me for some of the traits that I have listed about the women above. They have set wonderful examples and led me to this point, may I take that and run.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Sweet Dreams...

"Every good and perfect gift is from above..."
James 1:17
There are few things sweeter or more peaceful to me than watching my baby boy sleep. I was just scrolling through my camera when I realized that I take so many pictures of him sleeping. I can't help it, when I look at him laying there so relaxed it reminds me of how truly blessed I am to have this sweet baby. The scripture above always runs through my head. How lucky are we that God chose to send us this perfect gift? Here are just a few of the many pictures of Ryder sleeping...sweet dreams!