Friday, May 24, 2013

23 Months!

 Mommy & Maisy

Oh EM Gee, baby girl is going to be 2 in just one short month!  I can hardly even believe it.  Well wait, her new little attitude she carts around mixed with that fake cry she likes to do to try to get her way and sudden increase in will power…yeah, sounds about right, she’s about to be TWO!  Terrible terrible two.  Here’s what Maisy is up to at 23 Months old:

  • She goes to bed at 8:30 and sleeps until around 7, unless its a week day and I have to wake her up at 6:30 to get out the door.  She takes one nap in the middle of the day that usually lasts around 2 hours.
  • She eats whatever meal we are eating, but is sure to tell us if she doesn’t like some part of it.  She will take a bite and then out of her mouth it comes as she says “I no YIKE dat”!  So far she doesn’t like cucumbers or pasta salad!  She insists on having Chocolate in her Milk these days!  She takes a sip to make sure you added the special ingredient, if not the cup is coming right back to you “I want chockey miwwk!”
  • She LOVES animals!  Anywhere we go if there is a dog or cat she can be found chasing it around just trying to get her arms around it for a hug and kiss.
  • She thinks that everything is HERS right now and if it doesn’t belong to her than it must be HER TURN with whatever it is.  When we kindly remind her that it’s not always her turn, she storms off into her brothers room and slams the door!  We are in for it when this girl becomes a teenager!
  • Our names have officially changed from Mama & Dada to Mommy & Daddy, which is a favorite upgrade of mine :)  But now Nana is Nanny and Yaya is Yayeeee, her little voice is adorable.  But there are some words that aren’t so cute, like how when I tell her something she doesn’t want to hear I instantly get a “Whyyyeeeeee?”  Or if I ask her why she did something bad I get a simple “cause” out of her.
  • Her favorite show is still Bubble Guppies!  But she does ask for a few different ones sometimes like Sofia the first “Prin Prin” or Backyardigans “I watch Back ARD!”
  • She is obsessed with her brothers ipad, she declares that it is hers!  “Dis my ipeeeeed!”  It’s the funniest thing hearing that word come out of a 1 year old.  It’s really neat to watch her swipe through and pick a game or do a puzzle.
  • She is still very much a Daddy’s girl!  And she very much has him wrapped around her tiny little finger.  Enough said!
  • She is doing so well with Potty Training, I never thought we’d start this early but she has totally led the way.  She gets a potty prize at the end of each day if she has stayed dry all day, we’ve been doing this for about a month and there have only been 3 or 4 days where she hasn’t earned one. Vicki has put her in panties on a couple different occasions but for some reason she always wets those!  So we’re sticking with the pull on diapers and will keep trying underwear to see when she’s ready. 
  • She moved out of the nursery in Church this month and is now part of Ryder’s class!!  This was SO exciting for her because she gets to be with all her big kid friends!

So one more month and my baby will be a big two year old!  Goes by way too fast!!


1 comment:

Nicole said...

Our babies are growing so quick!! :) Love that little girl!