Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Funnies & Videos

I can’t even just call them Ryder Funnies anymore because Maisy is pretty funny these days too!

The other morning we were leaving the house before work so we went through our normal routine of saying bye to Daddy and piling into the truck.  As we were pulling away Maisy was yelling final words to Daddy:

Bye Bye Daddy!

Love you Daddy!

See you soon Daddy!

Don’t poop you pants Daddy!


The kids were in the bath the other night and I had just shampooed Maisy’s hair when Ryder decided to dump a cup of water on her head.  This coming from the boy who freaks if a drip of water gets in his eye, it made me MAD, so I “gently tapped” him upside his head!  He yelled right back at me “Mom, you broke my brain!!!!”


One day we were riding in the car and Ryder had a random thought, which is pretty normal for him.

Ryder: Hey Mom, you know what’s REALLY pretty??

Me:  What baby?

Ryder: When people brush their hair!

Me:  Yeah, you’re right, people brush their hair and it gets the tangles out and then it looks all silky and smooth.

Ryder:  Yeah Mom!  You should try it some time!!

I set myself up for that one!


Another day we were driving in the car (All this driving to and from therapy gives us lots of time for conversations!) we had just stopped at the store for a snack, Ryder picked chips.  After I opened them for him and handed them to him I asked if I could have one.  His immediate response was no, that he didn’t want to share his chips.  I reminded him of the sermon our Pastor had done for the kids in Church that Sunday, about making sacrifices for the people you love, so he finally handed me a very small tiny chip.  I thanked him and told him that I knew he loved me anyway.  He responded with “You’re right mom, I do love you, and that’s why you can have all my……..HUGS!”  Darn, I almost thought I had those chips!  Little does he know I’d much rather have all his hugs anyway!


Kimberly is the little girl who sits with Ryder on the bus.  The first few days she sat with him he came home and told me how much he didn’t like her because she called him a baby.  The next week I found the love letter from her in his book bag (written in pre-k language!).  Every week since then I hear random facts about Kimberly, what her favorite color is, her favorite princess, what she does on the weekend, and all the places he has invited her to go with us.  Yesterday he came home from school and we were talking about his day when he told me that he had a secret.

Ryder: (whispering) Mommy, I have a lot of love in my heart!

Me:  You do???  For who???  (Holding my heart because obviously he’s going to say ME!)

Ryder:  Kimberly!  (Heartbroken over here!)

Today the bus driver gave them a special treat on the bus, they each got a bag of chips.  Ryder was telling me about this when I picked him up. 

Ryder: The bus driver gave us each a bag of chips!  I picked Cheetoh’s and Kimberly picked Cheetoh’s too!  We picked the same kind!  Oh Mom, I know, I should have just picked one bag for us to share because we’re in love!

So let me get this straight, you’d share your chips with Kimberly???


One day we had gone to the gym and promised to take the kids to the playground when we were done with our workout.  When we came outside a storm had come so we couldn’t go to the playground. A few days later we went back to the gym so of course Ryder wanted to go play on the playground when we were done.  A plane was flying over the gym when we walked outside, he looked up but didn’t see anything so he thought it was thunder.  In an attempt to convince me that what I heard was NOT thunder and it was NOT going to storm and ruin his chances of playing on the playground he made sure to let me know “Don’t worry Mom, that’s just the noise birds make when they’re nervous!”


Here is Maisy dancing to Cotton Eyed Joe at the Skating Rink!

I don’t know why this is so funny to me but Ryder memorized the Power Rangers intro, I just love his little voice.

Animal sounds are always good for a laugh!

And last but not least, my Mother’s Day song from Ryder :)


Caleb's mom said...

I was so excited to see this post today! your kids are SO smart and beautiful! I know they make your heart happy.

Nicole said...

I wish I could see these videos right now but the funny stories still made my day! Love those kids of yours! :)