Wednesday, April 24, 2013

22 Months!

  Photo 4

So I just realized that I completely skipped Maisy’s 21 Month post!  Oops, guess that just means I’ll have lots to talk about this month!  Here is what our girl is up to…only 2 months away from being TWO YEARS OLD!

Photo 1

  • She weighs 25 pounds, wears size 5 pull on diapers, 18-24 month clothes (some 2T), and size 5 shoes.
  • She loves to use the potty throughout the day and gets so proud of herself when she goes!  I feel like any day she’s going to start refusing to go, but so far she is doing great.  She says “I go pa-paaa” and off to the potty we run!
  • She knows how to go in the freezer now and get her own popsicle out, that’s her favorite snack for sure!  She also loves cereal, juice boxes, mac & cheese, apples, and oranges.
  • She loves to put on a show, she will dance or hop around all crazy then look at you with a big cheese grin and fling her arms wide open and say “Ta-Daaaaa!”  Always looking for a reaction!
  • She also has a fake cry that she tries hard to get a reaction from.  Unfortunately Daddy gets more wrapped around her finger each day so he totally falls for this cry.  Me, not so much!  Momma’s got your number little miss.
  • Her & Brother love to chase each other around, they make each other laugh SO hard.  It’s the cutest thing.  But I’ve learned to just prepare myself for scream because sure enough someone is about to make someone else mad!
  • She is talking SO much more now, I feel like she went straight into making sentences!  “It’s May-May’s turn!” (she calls herself May-May!) “Shhh Brova go night-night”, “I take May-May’s shoes off!”, “I watch Bubble, petty peaaasssse” She has such good manners, always saying “Dank You Mama!”.  She can be quite bossy, if we’re in the car she’s always saying “No, Go Dat Way Momma!!”  And she is soooooooo territorial over her Daddy!!!  When we say hi to each other when we get home she will hear us kiss from where she is at and you can hear those feet come running across the hard wood floors to get in between us and push me off as hard as she can saying “No MY Da-da!!!”  One day I gave her the evil eye and said “he was mine first!” So now when she comes running she says “MY DA-DA FIIIIIIRST!!!!”  whatever girlfriend.
  • She is very independent and is quick to tell you “No help, May-May do it!!”  Then when she falls because she refused any help, she turns on the fake cry so that Daddy or Brother will come to her rescue.  Her knees are already both scraped up and we’ve only been in shorts for a week!
  • She seriously gives the best hugs.  She wraps her arms around you so tight and squeezes as hard as she can.  Such a sweet girl!

I can’t believe that she will be turning 2 in just 2 months…but then again I can believe it because I see all of those terrible two signs fast approaching!  I want to run and hide, but instead I’m just going to embrace these times.  Yes, they can be challenging, but all of the laughs and moments where you sit in awe of this being you created (as stubborn and hard-headed as can be) are SO worth it!  I honestly cannot imagine life without all of this cute spunkiness running around!

Photo 2


Caleb's mom said...

What a precious darling little girl and a wonderful family.

Unknown said...

Oh no!! Almost two!! haha! I completely remember this 'two months from being two' post written a few times or more. She does look so spunky and fun so you must be in for it when she hits 2. That is awesome she is excited about the potty. I need to try those pull on diapers. I guess I am holding out for the summer and Easton just peeing everywhere outside so I do not have to do much.

Liz said...

She is so stinkin cute! Getting so big!