Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A Letter to my Son on His 4th Birthday

Ryder ~

4 years old??  Really?!  I would rewind these last 4 years with you and relive them over and over if I could, even with all of the ups and downs!  I sure do miss those baby days of yours where I could just hold you and rock you and sing to you.  Watching you work so hard to learn how to push your arms up and crawl, then eventually take your very first wobbly steps.  Hearing you give me my most favorite name “Mommy” and knowing exactly what you needed just by the tone of your little baby voice.  4 years of amazing memories you have given to me and I would not trade them for the world. 

Times have definitely changed, you no longer let me hold you and rock you (well…not that you would admit!), and you surely don’t ever sit in one place or use just one word when you need something from me!  But one thing that hasn’t changed is when I look at you, I still see my baby boy.  You will always be my baby, I don’t care how many more Birthday’s you have!

One thing that I really want you to know is how much your life has strengthened Mommy & Daddy’s faith in God.  From all of the desperate plea’s we have made, to our tears of joy and appreciation, and even praising Him for perfectly unanswered prayers…and now, to all of our Bible time together, all of the tough questions you love to ask, and our deep conversations about Jesus, you have brought a whole new layer of growth in our lives with Christ.  So thank you for that!

When you were about to turn 3 years old Mommy told you that 3 year olds don’t wear pull-ups, so since the day you turned 3 you have never worn one again.  Just like that you were potty trained.  So boyyyy has Mommy been giving you the list of things that 4 year olds do not do.  4 year olds do NOT disobey their Mommy’s, they do NOT have accidents between trips to the bathroom, and they most definitely do NOT be mean to their sisters!  Being 4 is going to be rough kid, but we all have to grow up some time! ;-)

Looking forward to another year of growth and learning and most importantly LAUGHTER!

I love you my sweet boy,

~ Mommy

1 comment:

Nicole said...

I love a good sappy blog post first thing in the morning! It's good for my soul! :) Happy Birthday Ryder!!! We have loved being here to watch you grow into such a handsome and smart little man! You have the best Mommy, Daddy and baby sister in the world and I'm so glad to be a part of the Marsh Madness! xoxo