Thursday, August 16, 2012

Family Update

Alan & I are trying to come up with this master plan to get out of our house and into a new house with more space!  Of course with the way the market is, selling our house is not an option so this would mean renting our house and purchasing another one.  Scary stuff…but we’re moving forward.  It will either work out or it won’t, so we’re just trusting that God will lead us down whichever path is right for our family. 

Maisy’s top tooth finally came in, so she now has 4 teeth.  These teeth are making her so grumpy, I wish they’d start coming in faster so we could get past this phase!  Daddy went on a bike ride Saturday and came home Sunday.  Maisy was SO happy to see him that she was glued to his side for the rest of the day. She didn’t even want to take her normal nap alone!

 Photo 1

They are quite the pair…moments like these melt my heart!


Oh, this guy…always a million things going on with Ryder!  We’re trying to get him into this Special Education Pre-K program through the Public school system, where he’ll have therapists with him all day.  The hope is that getting him in this early he’d be able to streamline into regular Pre-K next year, OR spend 2 years in this program and then go into regular Kindergarten.  I think it will be SO good for him…he is at a point where he really needs to be working on function throughout the day to get him doing age appropriate things: dressing himself, buttons, zippers, drawing, cutting, catching/kicking a ball…to name a few :)  They’re coming out to our house on Monday to test him for eligibility so we’ll see what happens! 

So in a few weeks I could possibly be posting that we have a child starting school and that we’re moving!!!  Or not.  I hate when things are up in the air…it’s not good for my always-want-to-be-in-control attitude.  And this is the exact place God loves to put me in, where my only choice is to put my faith and trust in Him as He unfolds HIS master plan, not ours!

And that would be the short version of a family update!


Liz said...

I know what you mean about being worried about renting. We waited to build for the same reason. But, you are right in just trusting that God will provide for you. I'm sure with your great faith things are going to work out just fine for you. Congrats!

Nicole said...

Things are going to work out exactly how they're meant to be... and I'll be here anytime you need to vent about not knowing what's going to happen! haha...I've been there!! ;)

The Gimmel Family said...

Special Education Pre K is a great place for Ryder!!! I have kiddos every year that really benefit from it and go on to do so well in kindergarten programs. When we get them in their 3 yr old school year we keep them for 2 years then send them on to whatever program is appropriate for them at that time. He will LOVE being in school and his teachers will absolutely LOVE him. Feel free to look at houses in the William A Diggs zone in Charles county ASAP!! :)