Wednesday, August 29, 2012

14 Months!

I’m a few days late on Maisy’s 14 Month Post because I haven’t taken a picture of her yet…but as I sit here typing this, I snapped this picture which completely sums her up these days:

Photo 1 (1)

She walks around with one shoe on, one shoe off ALL THE TIME.  I don’t know why, it’s just her thing!  She walks around screaming.  No tears, just screaming, I guess just to hear herself.  She’s so pretty, it’s hard to be mad at her, even when she’s screaming and all we want is some peace and quiet! And the camo dress…well that just shows what a Daddy’s girl she is. Here’s what else she’s up to:

  • She wears mostly 12 month & some 18 month clothes, size 4 diapers, size 3 shoes.
  • She eats anything and everything.  Her favorite foods are cheese, banana cookies, blueberries, and popsicles.
  • She has 4 teeth, I don’t know why her teeth take so long to come in, but I think this contributes to her screaming all the time now.  We got one of those rubber pacifiers out and started giving it to her at bed time for some relief. 
  • She has started saying a few more words…the sweetest one being AMEN when we’re done praying!  I’ve heard her say “Brubba” a few times calling out for Ryder, she says “doooown” for when she wants up or down!  Mainly she just walks around saying “dat” and screaming…as I think I’ve mentioned :/
  • She knows how to give the best hugs, and will actually squeeze when you tell her to.  She also gives eskimo kisses and butterfly kisses on cue!
  • She goes to bed around 8:00 and wakes up around 7:00.  She has had a few nights where she has woke up screaming like she had a bad dream or something in the past month. 
  • She can follow directions so well, it amazes me how she can understand so much of what we say.  She will pick something up and throw it in the trash, wipe her face, help clean up, shut the door, then after she follows whatever direction we gave her, she claps for herself.
  • She loves to mimic things that I do, like cleaning something up with a rag, sweeping with a broom, carrying a purse, rocking my baby…she’s a nurturing little Mommy/house wife already!  It especially comes out when Ryder is upset, she runs over to him and pats him and lays her head on him, trying to make him feel better.
  • Oh those two, they have the funniest relationship.  They are together all day every day, they don’t ever have time apart so they definitely know how to get on each others nerves.  But then when they aren’t together they miss each other and want to be together again. 
  • She is very daring, loves to climb, dance, climb THEN dance (yes like on tables), explore, make messes, pick on her brother, get in trouble, as long as there’s action, she’s good to go!

This is definitely the age where your baby fever goes away and you realize how hard toddlers are!!  She constantly has to be watched but she doesn’t want to be told what to do (or NOT to do), she wants to be independent but needs help, wants to be held but then wants to direct you where to go and what to give her.  Exhausting…but fun and exciting and always something new!  Can’t wait to see what the next month brings (but first I want to get some sleep!)


sherry.rison said...

glad the dress finally fits her. It's perfect! She's an adorable little "miss independent". We have one of those in our family too! Say hello to Ryder for me. Nana Sherry

Nicole said...

Can I just copy and paste this post onto my blog??? lol.... our sweet, innocent babies are doing the same exhausting things to us Mommas! Before we know it, they'll have calmed down and we'll be saying "Don't you miss having a baby?!" haha.

The Vathes Family said...

Haha the part about the baby fever made me laugh and the fact that she only has three teeth! lol I know, this age can be really exhausting and I don't think I really felt ok to relax around Maddy without checking on her 50 times a day until she was about two. Fun times though, you'll hit that baby fever again here soon ;)