Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Growing Up So Fast!

I really can’t believe how quickly Maisy has grown out of her newborn stage.  She is so alert these days, is coming into her little personality, and just seems so…grown up! 


I think sometimes she is forced into survival mode and seems to be doing things way sooner than big brother ever even thought of!  I guess the combination of him having some limitations, and her having to fend for herself when my focus is on him, makes her try to do things faster, like hold her own bottle already!

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And sitting up (with support, of course!)

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When I carry her around in my wrap, she no longer snuggles up on my chest and relaxes…now she stays turned around the whole time so that she can see every thing that goes on, she doesn’t want to miss one thing!  When I’m vacuuming or sweeping, she has to hold the handle so that she feels like she’s helping!

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She has a little signature pose she does all the time now.  It’s like she can’t decide if she wants to be on her back or tummy, so she goes on her side, props one leg up and looks around to see what’s happening around her.  I guess she gets a better view this way!


She has definitely become more vocal!  She lets you know when she wants some attention and is making noises that sound like Da-Da and Ya-Ya!

This girl is so ready to get moving…she is wiggling, rolling, reaching, spinning, and even trying to start scooting to get where she wants to be! 

Did anyone notice a common theme in both of those videos??  It has to do with Big Brother being BAD!  Did you hear him say “I took her toys, tell Doodle!”  What am I going to do with him.  He, too, is growing up so fast…his own post to come soon :)


The Steinhauser Fam{ily} said...

Gahhh, I just want to squeeze her! She is too darn cute :) I love her little side pose and how she can sit up already and hold her bottle, she is too much!

Unknown said...

So cute. Love that pose too! You are so good about videos. You would think that I would get on the ball by now since every time I am amazed at you with the videos but then I don't do it. You are awesome wearing that wrap around the house too!