Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Christmas Quotes

We all know Ryder has lots of funny and interesting things to say, so the Christmas topic opens up a whole new world of things to come out of his mouth.  Here are some quotes for your entertainment:

He makes a sleigh every day out of anything he can think of: blankets, pillows, his rocking horse, so then he IS Santa and he calls his reindeer like Santa. “Go Dasher, Go Dancer, Go Spritzer, and Jackson.  Go Kickzer, Go Blitzer, Go Mister and Go Get-Her.”

We have the Caillou Holiday Movie recorded and that has been one of his favorites to watch, which means he has memorized pretty much the whole movie.  In the movie, Caillou says that Christmas seems so far away.  So one day Ryder told us “Christmas seems so far away, we should get in the car, and drive around and around and then we’ll find Christmas.”

As he went in Poppy & Nana’s snack cabinet one day to help himself to some ho-ho’s…he yelled “MOMMMMM, I know what we can leave for Santa, Ho-Ho’s because that’s what he ALWAYS asks for!!!” 

He has a little stuffed Santa he has been insisting on carrying with him everywhere.  He had him in the car the other day and I had a station on that was playing Christmas music.  The song Santa Claus is Coming to Town came on and played for a little while and then I hear Ryder say “Santa, you hear that?  You’re coming to town!”

Of course everywhere we go right now the big question from everyone is “so what did you ask Santa for?”  His answer for the first part of December was “a boat!”  Then about mid-december (after the Caillou Holiday Movie came on) he added “a boat and a space station”.  Now that we are only a few days from Christmas he told Uncle G “I asked for a boat and a space station and my house needs some drums”.  Ohhh, you want drums now too???  “No, just my house needs some.”  (I guess after Christmas I’ll have to inform him that Santa didn’t bring drums because houses don’t ask for things, only boys and girls do!)

Apparently a lot of people have been using the “if you aren’t nice then Santa won’t bring you any presents” line on Ryder (including us…guilty!) so now if I even attempt to correct him our conversation goes something like this: Me - Ryder, stop doing that! Him – Just tell Santa to not bring me any presents.  Just tell him to give them all to Maisy.  Just tell him Maisy can have all my toys and I won’t have any to play with.  Ryder’s not getting noooooo presents for Christmas.  At that point me & Alan usually look at eachother like “uhhhhh….what do we say now??”  I hate when he outsmarts us!

The other day he asked me “Is Mrs. Claus Santa Clauses Momma?”  I said “no buddy, she’s his wife.  I don’t know who his Momma is…”  He said “Oh I know, it must be Frosty the Snowman!”

Alan took Ryder Christmas shopping with him the other day.  I had a feeling this was a bad idea, since Ryder doesn’t keep much to himself, but I thought maybe Alan would tell him enough times not to tell me what they bought that he might listen.  Not so much.  That night when I was putting Ryder’s pajama’s on he said “Momma, we got you some newww pajama’s!  But they’re a present so you can’t have them until Christmas!”  Okay, I got one thing I wanted!  The next morning we were getting ready to leave for the day and I said “Ryder I just have to grab your boots.”  He said “Momma, we got you a newww pair of boots!  But they’re a present so you can’t have them until Christmas!”  Yes, another thing I wanted!!  Love my little spy!

Ryder didn’t even mean for this one to be funny, but I thought it was hilarious.  Doodle came back from the North Pole one day and decided to hang out on our Christmas Tree.  Ryder looked every where for him and then finally found him on the tree.  He said “Mom, you have to take a picture, get your camera.  Okay Doodle, say cheeeeeese.  Cheeeese Doodle!  Cheeeese Doodle!”


We are SO looking forward to Christmas over here…only 5 more days!!


Nicole said...

This had me cracking up ... a good morning laugh! These quotes are priceless!

Diana said...

He is so funny! Love how our boys always work in our favor :) I'm so glad he's loving the Elf on the Shelf!!!

The Steinhauser Fam{ily} said...

Hahaha he is so funny, the things he says... dont you wish you had a video camera for all those times?! Too cute :)

The Vathes Family said...

He's so funny, I love it! I can't wait until Maddy can tell me what Nick's surprises are :) I remember my neice doing that to my sister at my baby shower. She said mommy made you a blanket but you can't tell, k?! haha I love kids!

Caleb's mom said...

Ryder is too adorable!