Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father’s Day

Fathers Day2

“Daddy’s Little Buck” and “Daddy’s Little Doe” would like to wish their Daddy a VERY Happy Father’s Day today!  We are so lucky to have him in our lives.  The kids are probably too young right now to realize that, but one day they will be so thankful for the man that he is.  Seeing the bond that he has with each of them makes me fall more and more in love with him if that were even possible.  He’s committed to these kids and so involved in their lives…and he puts up with me and my nagging!  What more could we ask for?!

A very special memory that I know Alan will never forget and that Ryder will love to see one day…





My flash doesn’t like moving objects at night time, but as you can see Ryder got to take his very first ride on his Daddy’s motorcycle last night!!  It was just a short trip from our house to Poppy’s house, a few streets over, but they were both as happy as could be!

Hope everyone had a good Father’s Day!!  I know we did :)


Nicole said...

Those are such cute shirts!! Glad you guys had a great Fathers Day :)

The Vathes Family said...

So sweet! I hope Nick never sees these pictures of Alan taking Ryder on the motorcycle cause that's all he talks about, one day taking Maddy on his. I really don't think I could handle it, I had slight anxiety when I first saw these pictures of Ryder and he's not even mine LOL.

The Steinhauser Fam{ily} said...

I love the kids shirts! Let me guess, Etsy??! Lol. And I am glad you guys had a good Fathers Day! You guys really do have one special guy on your hands there, & he is lucky to have you too :)