Friday, June 22, 2012

Catch Up

I figured I better catch the blog up before the big FIRST Birthday festivities this weekend!! 

Last weekend Alan & I had some alone time together, which doesn’t happen very often.  Friday evening we came to MD so he could get fitted for a tux, then had dinner with some friends.  Saturday we woke up early and met up with my brother then rode the bikes up to the mountains.  I was taking pictures from the back of the bike!



It was a beautiful ride, we stopped for breakfast, then headed to my Aunt’s house for my cousins graduation party.  My mom drove all the grandkids there and we spent a great day with my side of the family.  We don’t get together often so this was such a nice treat!



Poor Ryder trying so hard to get to those itches!

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Maisy being passed around from Yaya to all her sisters!


I love my husband, he’s such a good sport!


And Ryder looooooves his cousin Kacy!  (A little too much sometimes, huh Kacy?!)


I love my cousins too <3


That was such a nice visit, I can’t wait until we can all get together again.  There has been another visitor in the area this week…Pappy Weir has been visiting over at Nana & Pap’s where the kids go all week.  I love him, what a sweet, funny old man!  I promised him we’d get a picture together before he left, and I always try to make good on my promises.


Other than that, just the normal stuff going on around our house.  You know, Ryder being a super hero, the kids eating chips off the floor, and Maisy walking everywhere.

I can’t believe my baby girl is going to turn ONE already!  She’s so grown up already.  Off to get working on party preparations…get ready for Birthday overload coming soon :)

1 comment:

The Steinhauser Fam{ily} said...

Lol, awww, i love her walk! And its so funny hearing Ryder talk to her...i feel like him and Carter get so frustrated with the girls sometimes because they want them to listen to them and they dont! "Grab my wand! Grab my wand! GRAB ONTO MY WAND!" Carter will repeat himself a millions times when talking to her too, haha so funny!