Monday, April 2, 2012

Photos & Funnies


We’ve had some really beautiful days lately!  Sunday I was able to take advantage of it and snap some pictures of these beautiful babies after Church while we were at my Moms.  Here they are…intertwined with some funny stuff to share.


The other day I was getting Ryder dressed and I noticed something stuck on his face, so I started picking at it to get it off.  “Stop picking at my face Mom!  Calm dooooooown, just calm dooooooown! Calm doooooown Mom!” he said.  “Why do you keep telling me to calm down?” I asked. “Because that’s what Daddy told me to tell you when you get all riled up!”


Ryder has started watching the show Yo Gabba Gabba, if you’ve never seen it before the whole show is basically one big song.  I’ve noticed ever since Ryder started watching it that he has begun making up songs for everything.  When we’re in the grocery store if I say “we need to find the ketchup” he will sing “ketchupppppp, where are youuuuu ketchuuuppppp, we’re coming to find youuuu ketchuppppp, we found you ketchupppppp” the best part is that after every song he will say “That was a good song, you should add it to my tablet!” 


I don’t know what has gotten into him but he has become quite the story teller this week.  Literally every single person he has seen all week long he goes right up to them and says “Hi, I was sick the other day!  I was throwing up EVERYWHERE! My Daddy took care of me.  And after I was better my momma got sick.  And she was throwing up EVERYWHERE!”  (he was sick like 3 weeks ago, must have been traumatizing…or he loves the sympathy he gets from this story.)  The next story he tells is “This boy in Carter’s class at school pooped in the potty and then played with it and got poop EVERYWHERE and the teachers had to come in and clean it up!”  (Thank you for telling me that story in front of Ryder, Angela!)


When I say that Ryder has a good memory, I’m telling you he memorizes everything!  He has all the commercials on Disney Jr. memorized, and even the little preface that comes on before his shows…For instance he told me the other day “I want to watch Franklin & Friends, it helps kids share and care and develop good social skills.”  We were picking up diapers the other day and he yells “The Caillou Holiday Movie is brought to you by Pamper’s diapers!!!  You have to get those Pampers diapers!!” 

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Ryder: Who made you?

Me: Ummm…my Mommy….

Ryder: No but who made you?

Me: Well God made me, then gave me to my Mommy.

Ryder: Well what did God make you for?

Me: I think God made me so that I could grow up and be a Mommy to you & Maisy.  What do you think God made you for?

Ryder: To give you hugs and kisses.  (Thank you God for making this sweet boy for me…I really needed those hugs and kisses!)


Ryder: Drinking makes me fat.

Me: Ryder you are far from fat!

Ryder: No but when I drink my tummy gets fat.

Me: Well it might feel full after you drink, but believe me your tummy is not fat.

Ryder: Well my tummy’s fat until my drink comes out of my monster then it gets empty again.

choosing to end this conversation.


He talks with a lot of emphasis and expression (like his Momma!), what is scary is how he is starting to use MY expressions.  We tried to go to Wawa the other day, the same day 100 people were in there trying to buy lottery tickets, so there were a lot of cars and we couldn’t find a parking space.  Ryder’s version of this story he told people for the rest of the night “We went to Wawa and the parking lot was SO FREAKING packed!  We couldn’t find a parking space because it was SO FREAKING packed!”  Another time he stepped away from his food for a second and one of the dogs took it upon themselves to eat his food…and chew the paper plate it was on.  I hear Ryder coming to find me yelling “Momma!!  What in the heck in the world!!!  One of the stinking dogs ate my plate!!”

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Maisy has become pretty funny these days too!  The other day I smacked Alan (playing around, of course) and he looked at Maisy and said “Maisy, did you see that?” On cue she started shaking her head no!  That’s my girl :)


A video of Maisy dancing, she gets down!  I love how she stops when the music stops, then takes it upon herself to restart it.

Not to end on a crappy note, but I have one last story that is a must share!  Ryder has been in big boy underwear for 2 weeks now, so we’re still new to this whole going potty in public thing.  The other night on the way home from Nicki’s we stopped at Wawa (that’s not our favorite store or anything…geez) and Ryder said “Mommy I really have to go potty”.  I said “Oh okay, well we’re at Wawa so lets just go inside so you can go.”  He said “I can’t go potty in there, Daddy said it’s disgusting.”  (REALLY ALAN??!!!!)  I said “Ryder, it’s not disgusting, let’s just go look and you’ll see”.  He agreed so in we went, but he wanted a slurpee first, so I made his slurpee, left it at the counter telling the lady I’d be right back to pay, and in the bathroom we went.  I told Ryder that he didn’t have to sit on the potty, I could pick him up and hold him over the potty so he can aim and pee in the toilet, he liked that idea.  So I pulled his pants down, scooped him up, he peed, I put him down, pulled his pants up, then I started smelling something funny…well, stinky.  As the words “Ryder did you poop your pants” were coming out of my mouth, I looked down only to realize I was covered in poop, everywhere his little bare butt had just touched. Of course I was wearing a sweater with holes in it, so it was all over my sweater, the shirt UNDER my sweater, my sleeves, Ryder’s pants, underwear, up his back, down his legs.  Yeah we smelled great.  I tried wiping it but it just smeared.  There was nothing left for me to do but swallow my pride, go pay for our slurpee since, ya know, the nice lady was waiting for us, and get the heck out of there.  I was hoping so bad no one would say “excuse me miss you have something on your shirt”…I would have politely replied “NO SHIT!” (all puns intended).



Nicole said...

I love all the Ryder stories...he's such a funny, animated little boy! When can he come over for a sleepover since he wants to stay at my house "forever"!? :) And thanks for posting the Wawa poop story... that never gets old! LOL

The Steinhauser Fam{ily} said...

OMG hahahaa so glad you posted that poop story, its too funny not to share! And all the pictures you took, came out beautiful! Maisy dancing is adorable too :)

Unknown said...

All your pictures turned out beautiful! Ryder is a hoot and Maisy is moving right along and will be right there with him soon!

Diana said...

Your babies are absolutely BEAUTIFUL! Ryder's stories crack me up, I swear! And I'm glad you have your girl in the house to stay on your side :)

Caleb's mom said...

i was just cracking up at work. my eyes are all wet. Exactly what I needed as usual. Thank you Marsh Family.

The Gimmel Family said...

OMG!!!! LOVE the poop story!!! That is one for the books for sure. Of course I love all of Ryders conversations too, Such grown up things come out of such a little boy:)