Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013 ~ Year In Review


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2013 Started for us with a 3 year old and an 18 month old!  Maisy got to experience her first snow ever!  Ryder was already a pro at making snow angels, he had a few years under his belt.  Maisy got rid of her Paci this month and got her very first pedicure with Mommy!  Ryder got the Principal’s Award for January and got to have a special breakfast with the Principal.


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Ryder got his first ever report card and realized that good report cards mean rewards!  He also got approved for Occupational Therapy through the school system this month and started seeing his OT once a week at school aside from his private therapy.  He got to celebrate Valentine’s Day with friends at Church & at School.  Maisy discovered a new favorite pastime, getting on her brothers nerves!


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March is always a busy, fun month for us!  We started the month by going to the Monster Truck Show.  Alan & I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary with a trip to Williamsburg.  Ryder celebrated his 4th Birthday party with a Fireman theme!  His party was at a firehouse with all his family & friends!


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This month we celebrate two of our best friends, CJ & Nicki’s 30th Birthdays!  We went to an Easter Egg Hunt at Church and also the beautiful sunrise service on Easter morning.  Ryder got his cast on for his 3rd round of Constraint Therapy to help Lefty get stronger.  He named this one “Batman Saves the City”.


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Ryder spent most of the month with his arm in a cast and then was SO excited when it was time for Dr. Daddy to cut it off!  Maisy started peeing on the potty and got to move out of the nursery into the big kids class at Church!  The weather was nice so we spent lots of time at the playground.  Ryder had his first dentist appointment and had no cavities.  We also went to my family reunion!



Summer officially started which meant summer break for Ryder.  As a family we loved spending our weekends at a local beach by our house!  We went to a huge parade and festival that our town has with some friends that came to visit.  And our little baby girl turned TWO YEARS OLD!



We went on our annual camping trip and once again a huge storm came through!  We did get to stay and camp this year but we didn’t get to do our float trip down the river.  Maisy & Ryder had their 2 & 4 Year old check-ups at the Doctor.  And Maisy said bye-bye to her crib and moved into her very own big girl bed!



Mommy spent every Friday of the month Furloughed, which sounded horrible but ended up being a really nice break!  We took the kids to see the Jake & Sophia Disney Jr. Live show, so fun!  Ryder participated in a Soccer camp at a Church.  The kids did a play called Arkeology and dressed up like a Lion and a Mouse from Noah’s ark.  Mommy snuck away to the Women of Faith Conference with some of her faves and got to meet Angie Smith, a huge inspiration! We also found a turtle that we decided to keep as a temporary pet, the kids named him Spike!



Back to school!  And this time it was to the regular Pre-K class!  Maisy was sad that her brother would be leaving her during the day, but Ryder was super excited to get back to school.    One thing we weren’t looking forward to were the germs he would bring home!  Both kids got sick this month.  Awana also started this month and they let Maisy join his class so they are both Cubbies!



We made our annual trip to the State Fair, which we love so much!  The kids wore their jammies to literacy night at Ryder’s school and actually got their picture in the newspaper.  We did all the fun Halloween stuff that October brings, like visiting the Pumpkin Patch, going to the Harvest Festival at Church, and of course, trick or treating!!



In November we went back to our Honeymoon spot for a week long trip to Key West, FL!  The kids were well taken care of by my Mom & Sister-In-Law, so we went and had a great time.  We got to attend my Dads wedding while we were there!  It was such an amazing trip, we are already trying to figure out how and when we can go back.  The rest of the month was spent celebrating Thanksgiving and with lots of Christmas prep!



I love the month of December.  The Christmas season brings so much joy to my heart and to our entire family.  The whole month we spent participating in various Christmas related activities.  Our elf Doodle came back to visit us each night and the kids performed in a Christmas Cantata.  Christmas morning was magical, it’s one of those moments I could stay in forever. 

And now we’re onto a new year.  There’s no doubt that we are living busy lives and time is flying by, but we’re creating so many wonderful memories.  God has truly blessed us and I am forever thankful to Him.  Here’s to another year filled with lots of fun and a little bit of madness!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Loved seeing all of these pictures and reading your updates. Christmas looked magical and 2013 was a great year! Here's to 2014! :)