Thursday, August 23, 2012

Ryder Funnies

Always entertaining! :)

One of Maisy’s favorite words is “drink”, she walks around the house saying “drnk drnk drnk drnk” all the time, the girl just can’t get enough.  The other day she came in the kitchen asking for a “drnk” and Ryder said in the most frustrated voice “Can you say may I please have some juice????  Gooooooshhhhh you have no manners Maisy!”


I guess because we’re pressing manners with him he’s flowing that down to Maisy.  The other day he was playing with several toys and would not let her have just one.  She kept trying and trying and he’d grab them from her and say “You have to say may I please play with that”…”I’m going to let you have it but you have to ask nicely”…Finally I stepped in and told him to stop messing with her and let her play!  “Sorry Mom, I only share my toys with kids who say PLEASE!”  This girl better get to talking!


Ryder does not dress himself (for obvious reasons…it’s very difficult) but I’m realizing that I need to start pushing for him to atleast try.  So last night as he was getting into his pajama’s I held open his shirt and told him to put his arms through.  He got Righty through just fine, then attempted to push Lefty through.  “Lefty’s stuck” he said “Like pee in a bowl that hasn’t been flushed!”  Good analogy Ryder…really???


Some mornings he’s a little sluggish and I have to coax him along to get him out the door.  This morning he got to the front porch and stopped.  I walked down the steps, put Maisy in the truck, came back around and he was still standing there at the top of the porch.  “Come ON Ryder” I said (okay maybe I yelled!) His response: “Momma you need to come carry me because my legs aren’t going to walk the right way.  If you don’t carry me my legs are going to turn around and walk back inside!”  I’d love to use this excuse one day…sorry boss couldn’t make it in, my legs made the wrong choice! 


So I got Maisy in the truck, carried Ryder and his misbehaving legs to the truck, then I had to run back up to the porch and get all of our bags but then I realized I had left my coffee inside, so I ran inside grabbed that, came back out to a lot of noise and commotion coming from the truck.  Oh Boy.  As I opened the door, Maisy is screaming and Ryder is yelling at her for crying. “Maisy, I said you have THREE Choices!!!!  You can either get yelled at OR be happy!!!  Which one do you choose????”

1 comment:

The Steinhauser Fam{ily} said...

Hahahhaaa i love these posts! I love the last one most i think... but all of them crack me up! :)