Saturday, December 24, 2011

Twas the Week Before Christmas

And *?#% got CRAZY!

All month long I’ve been so proud of myself for being ahead of the game on shopping, wrapping, cards, baking, making ornaments…I thought I had everything together and could just breeze on through to the much anticipated Christmas.  What could possibly go wrong?!

Then out the clear blue sky our dog Bentley had to be taken to the animal hospital because he got an extremely quick onset of anemia.  He got a couple blood transfusions which his body was rejecting and they ended up sending him home on steroids and basically told us that the chances of him recovering from that are very slim.  We’ve all been spending lots of time with him and just waiting (and praying) to see if he can make a miraculous recovery.


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Our poor little guy is only 4 years old, I hate to see him so sad.  But he’s home with us and we’re cherishing the time we have with him.

So…what else could go wrong?!  Ryder mysteriously broke out in hives, from head to toe!  I got the call at work and rushed to get him and take him to the doctor.  When I say covered…I mean this child had hives all over him.  The doctor said he was having a severe allergic reaction to something, but who knows what.  Nothing he had done or eaten that day were out of the ordinary.  Her guesses were maybe an allergy to something in his multi-vitamin or he developed an allergy to red dye.  I guess we’ll have to do some trial and error to figure that out if this happens again.  So for the past few days, we’ve been dealing with hives.  He’s taking Benadryl every 6 hours, and as soon as the medicine wears off he breaks out again.  Today has been a big improvement as far as the size and frequency goes, so hopefully by tomorrow they will be gone.

Oh the craziness…it never ends.

Ryder and Maisy have been making the best of things though.  I found them hiding under her crib the other day!  I left the room for maybe 3 minutes, and came back to no kids…a slight moment of panic…and then I saw toes.




“Don’t worry Mama, I’ll get her out!”


Things have gotten even crazier the past few days with some family stuff going on, and of course all the last minute hecticness of this season…so Ryder decided it might be best to just get out of town.  First he made a train for him & Maisy and said they were going on travel.


I guess he decided he’d rather go alone so he asked Daddy to load his bike up so he could “take a trip cross-country”!  Apparently he’s really trying to get out of here.




Maisy’s ready to get moving too.  All week she has been getting up on her hands and knees, trying so hard to start crawling!!



You know what else is crazy?  Ryder got a note from Doodle today!


Since today is Doodle’s last day with us until next year, he waited on the chair for Ryder to wake up and they have gotten to hang out and be friends all day. 

So here we are, on the night before Christmas, and even though things have been crazy, hectic, and sad…we are ready to celebrate.  It’s still Jesus’ Birthday, we still get to play Santa and wake up with our beautiful children to see this magical time come to life for them.  I can’t ask for anything more than that! 

Merry Christmas Eve!  (Maisy’s 6 month post will have to come after Christmas because, you know, it’s just too crazy for that right now!)


Patty B said...

Sorry about Bentley! That stinks right before Christmas :( On a lighter note, in the picture where Ryder in Maisy are in the "train," I can't stop laughing at Maisy! She's just chillin in the caboose ready to go wherever her brother takes her! :) Merry Christmas! Love you Marshes!!

Nicole said...

Merry Christmas guys!! Hope the week after Christmas is less hectic and stressful for you all!!

Unknown said...

This is all great. Love the one of him pulling her leg and them in the train too. My brother told me we were going to have to skip out of town once too and I was ready to go with him just like Maisy was ready! Girls do love their older know! Hope you have a Merry Christmas and your doggy gets better!

Diana said...

Poor Bentley, he's been around for so long :( I love how you guys are always using your imaginations! And I'm so glad Ryder is doing better!