Friday, June 10, 2011

37 Weeks!

I’m officially considered full term now!  Here is what Alpha Mom says about this week:

Your Baby:

  • Weighs about six and a half pounds, and is 21 inches long — quite possibly the same length he or she will be at birth.
  • Is packing on close to a half-pound of pure, unadulterated baby chub every week.


  • Are probably dismayed to realize you are STILL outgrowing your maternity clothes. Your shirts ride up to reveal a couple inches of belly (or elastic waistbands), your pants might bulge and pucker weirdly as your uterus drops lower, and some tops might feel especially tight as your ribcage expands to handle all your pushed-up organs.
  • Might be having serious trouble getting a good night’s sleep thanks to your size (my limbs keep falling asleep under my body’s crushing weight), your baby’s jolt-you-awake-caliber kicks, bladder calls, Braxton-Hicks contractions, and your brain’s constant buzz of excitement and anxiety and massive to-do lists.

I had another sonogram this week and an appointment with the new OB that will be delivering me.  Both appointments went well, Maisy is looking great and is getting bigger by the moment.  I didn’t put on any weight this week, blood pressure was great, my last round of blood work and Group B Strep test all came back fine, and my stomach is measuring big…the Dr. said he would guess she weighs about 8 pounds right now.  I’m not dilated at all, but wow this last part of pregnancy is rough!  When I stand up I can’t even believe how much pressure I feel immediately, I look ridiculous walking waddling around, and I feel like I’m constantly out of breath.  I’m starting to see yet another blessing in having Ryder as early as I did! 

I’ve gotten a lot of last minute preparations done for Maisy this week, like washing things, getting everything put away, and Cindy took me shopping tonight and now I feel like we really have everything we need and are SO ready for our little girl.

Ryder is the most ready out of any of us.  All he talks about anymore is Maisy, everywhere we go he will start to tell complete strangers how “Ryder’s gonna have a baby sister! And we’re gonna name her Maisy!”  He got really sad though because someone made a comment to me about how they bet I can’t wait to lose this belly.  Every day since then he has walked up and hugged my belly and say “Ryder don’t want your belly to go away”.  I’ve been trying to explain to him that Maisy will be here for us to hold and won’t live in Mommy’s belly anymore so there will be no reason for me to have one…not sure if he gets that part, but once she’s here I’m sure he won’t even think twice about it. 

Here we are at 37 weeks:

37 Weeks (5)

2 more weeks…14 more days…I can do this…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember when I was pregnant with Alvin... my nephew, Zack, was three... when I told him Aunt B~ had a baby in there (pointin at my tummy)...he blurted out with a huge smile on his face, "Kewl, Less take it out an pray wiff it!" (cool, lets take it out and play with it) he was so cute!
Ryder is an exceptionally smart lil boy...I love all of you and can't WAIT for HER PINKNESS to grace our family! I'm a phone call away if you need help with anything! (and I do mean ANYTHING!) Hugs! Love to all, Aunt B~