Tuesday, June 24, 2014

A Letter To My Daughter On Her 3rd Birthday


Maisy ~

Oh my sweet baby girl, how in the world are you three years old already?  If you were sitting next to me right now you would have already interrupted me to say “I’m DADDY’s baby girl!” and I’d be shaking my head and laughing.  You are a Daddy’s girl, through and through, but you will always be my baby girl too. 

What would we do without all your sweetness and alllll your sass??  You are so very passionate about everything you do – whether it’s giving the tightest hugs, the biggest smiles, the loudest laughs, the best kisses, the saddest pouty face, or the hardest hit when you’re after your brother – you do it all with so much intention, that very trait will get you so far in life!  You are a woman with a mission, dream big baby girl!

Some of your favorite things right now are macaroni and cheese, bubble gum, the beach, and your guinea pigs.  You are quite the animal lover, I see lots of pets in your future!  But of course, your #1 most favorite thing in the world, is your Daddy.  And that just might be one of my most favorite things, seeing you two together!  I pray that you always see him as your hero and that you find a man just like him one day who treats you like the princess warrior you are!

Mommy loves you so much, forever and ever.  Here’s to another year of fun, laughs, and time-outs!

~ Mommy

Mommy & Maisy 2

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for the kind words on my blog, we can help motivate eachother! Love the letter to Maisy, so well written and heartfelt. She is a lucky little girl to have a momma like you :)
