Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Ryder Funnies

Its been a while since I’ve blogged AND since I’ve shared any Ryder funnies, so here I am killing 2 birds with one stone :)

It seems like the day Ryder started real school he became extra cool and started using words like “duhhh”.  We were so excited around Christmas time because there was a house in our neighborhood that did their lights up really good!  So one night driving home we told Ryder we couldn’t wait to show him this house…as we drove by he was totally unimpressed.  We were like “isn’t it so cool?” His response: “I come by this house every day on my bus, duhhhh!”


Valentine’s Day just passed…Ryder gets really excited about Holiday’s with me, so of course we participated in all the festivities!  He brought Valentine’s to his Church friends at Awana, all of his classmates and teachers at school, him & Daddy shopped for stuff for me, and he got lots of goodies from his friends.  That night he was shocked to see even more goodies from Mommy & Daddy.  His response: “Valentine’s Day makes me so happy I just want to jump up and praise Jesus!”


Out of the clear blue sky one day Ryder said to me “Mommy, when Daddy gets old and passes away I guess I’m just going to have to be your husband!”

I didn’t have the heart to tell him that wasn’t really going to work out.  Which was fine because it was only a few days before he changed his mind…obviously while he was getting in trouble.  “I don’t even want to be your husband anymore anyway!  You are too mean!!!”

And now he thinks it’s my punishment.  Maisy got a new toy and when I was explaining to him that she would get the first turn with the new toy he informed me “You are not fair!  I’m going to find a new wife!  And she is going to let me have the first turn at EVERYTHING!!!”

Good luck to that lucky lady!


Oh my little mini-me…if there was one thing I would have NOT wanted to pass on to my children it would be my anxiety.  Too late!  Ryder’s new words of frustration are: “UGH I am SO obstressed!  I’m like breaking out!”  I love when he uses big words wrong, it makes me smile, takes my stress away, and makes me stop freaking out!


We have a little convenience store close to us called Stop-In.  Alan usually Stops In there to grab cigarettes (Marlboro Menthol Blacks) or whatever else we might need.  The other day Ryder was playing in his room alone.  I kept hearing him say “Yeah, can I get some blacks”… “ding ding…yeah…some blacks please”…he came out to the living room and I was laughing.  He said “whattt??  Could you hear me playing Stop-In?”


Caleb's mom said...

I needed Ryder funnies this morning some kind of bad! I also wish my kids didnt inherit my anxiety.

Unknown said...

TOO funny!!

The Steinhauser Fam{ily} said...

Bahahaa "obstressed" TOO funny!