Sunday, November 18, 2012

Little Sickies

We’ve had so many appointments over the past 2 weeks I don’t even know where to start!

Ryder started coughing last week and by Wednesday had developed a fever, so I took him to the Doctor.  He had an ear infection and got Amoxicillin.  Usually as soon as he starts an antibiotic he starts feeling better, but this time he kept getting worse and worse.  Friday I took him back to the Doctor and she listened to his lungs and said a touch of Pneumonia had set in his right lung.  So she gave us a stronger antibiotic and sent us on our way.

Saturday morning, Maisy woke up with a fever, of course!  Since Monday was Veteran’s Day I knew it would be Tuesday before I could get her seen at the Doctor, so I made the executive decision to start her on Ryder’s left over Amoxicillin from Wednesday.  By Monday she seemed to be feeling better.

Monday Ryder had his follow-up appointments in Richmond, first with his Kidney Doctor.  The appointment went great, they did a sonogram of his kidneys and his bladder, before and after using the bathroom.  He still isn’t completely emptying his bladder but there is no sign of any additional damage so they didn’t seem too concerned.  His kidneys have grown and the pockets of fluid have gotten smaller.  We usually follow up with him every 6 months and it is now getting extended to a year, so that’s definitely a good sign that things are going well!

The next stop was to his Eye Doctor.  They did all the little tests on his eyes and said the eye condition he has (Sixth Cranial Nerve Palsy) hasn’t worsened, and that’s really all they need to make sure of.  We usually follow up with them every year and now he doesn’t have to go back for a year and a half.  So, again, definitely a good sign when the time between appointments gets extended!

Tuesday Ryder had to get fitted for new Orthotics, which requires getting a mold of his feet and picking out the cool new patterns.  He’s getting Superman this time and is pretty excited about it!

By Thursday Maisy’s cough and other symptoms started getting worse even though she had been on an antibiotic, so back to the Doctor we went!  I had to tell on myself that I put her on an antibiotic without being seen, which of course her Doctor wasn’t thrilled with.  Turns out she had two pretty bad ear infections and needed stronger meds.  So we got those and now both kids finally seem to be on the up and up!

Here are our at home sick pics:



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We had a few pretty lazy days!


Scrolling through my gallery this next picture made me laugh, I was trying to get a shot of the 2 sick babies resting on me, look how miserable I look and I’m not even the sick one!  Having sick kids is not easy on us Mommy’s!


Maisy insisted on wearing her brothers shirt one day, I paired it with some leg warmers and my heart skipped a beat.  Yes, she is really this cute!


I swear my kids have become professionals at being in waiting rooms with all of the appointments Ryder has!  Here are our office shots:


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So that was our exhausting past few weeks.  Throw in Ryder’s therapy appointments, school, and work, and we have literally been non-stop.  We don’t call it Marsh Madness for nothing!

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