I guess the title of this post should really be “Furlough Fridays” but something that seemed like it was going to be so horrible actually ended up being pretty awesome! In fact, I almost cried when they cancelled the furlough. Lets just say that yes while the pay cut was NOT fun, I thoroughly enjoyed having every Friday off for 6 weeks.
And here’s the proof:
One Friday Alan took off with me so we could have a date day! This was totally his idea and he even planned (gasp!) on where he would take me.
We got on the motorcycle and had a lunch date at Vera’s in Solomon’s Island. It was the perfect little outing, got some sun on my arms, and got back in time to pick our kids up!
Another Friday Yaya got us tickets to go see the Disney Junior Live show! It was the Jake & the Neverland Pirates and Sofia the First Pirate & Princess Summer Show, and we had 2 VERY excited kids! Me & Yaya loaded them up and had a blast spending that Friday doing something so special to them!
The kids got to have their fun outing and next it was Mommy’s turn! On my very last ever furlough Friday I left for the Women of Faith conference with some of my best girl friends and had an awesome inspirational weekend!
It’s so nice being with friends doing something so positive and experiencing that together.
Some highlights of the conference were hearing Cece Winans sing!
Watching Third Day play!!
And of course, our best moment was meeting Angie Smith! We have read her blog for years now, her books too, so hearing her speak at the conference and then meeting her in person was SO COOL!
So now it’s back to work on Friday’s for me and here I am on my first one back sitting at my desk blogging, reminiscing, oh how I miss you furlough friday’s! My next paycheck will surely be thankful that it is over though! Shew.