Sunday, February 24, 2013

20 Months

Photo 11

Here is what our 20 Month old baby BIG GIRL is up to these days:

  • Busy, Busy, Busy!  She is so independent and will tell you “no help” if you try to hold her hand walking or climbing steps…or anything really!  She just wants to do everything by herself!
  • She is very strong minded and doesn’t like to take no for an answer!  Yet NO seems to be her favorite word to tell others.
  • She is starting to pretend like she knows her colors, she will ask for a certain color crayon or popsicle…her favorites to say are Red, Blue, and Purple…not that she’d know if you gave her the wrong one but of course we think it’s cute!
  • She has words for so many things now!  Some of her new favorites are Princess, Dragon, Birds, School Bus, Monster Truck, Horse, Jump, and Kick.  She is starting to put words together to form her own little sentences, like telling me what she wants to drink she will say “No Milk! Jewww Momma!” if she wants juice! When we get home if she sees Alan’s truck she’ll say “Daddy’s Home!”  We were walking into Wawa the other morning and she said “Cool Rock Momma!” haha.  Any time we are in a parking lot she can’t get over the painted lines, she says over and over “Dey Drawwwww Momma!!”
  • Her & her brother have the craziest love/hate relationship.  They can make eachother laugh so hard one second then yell at eachother the next then be worried about eachother and then not want anything to do with eachother!  It’s very hard to keep up with, but they both always know where they stand!
  • She knows how to go in the freezer now and get her own popsicles out…they are her all time favorite food!  Not surprising considering that’s all I wanted the whole time I was pregnant with her!
  • She LOVES to draw, of course only with markers…which makes a mess because she likes to draw on the paper, herself, the table, her lips like lipstick…she’s an artist.
  • She wears 18 month clothes, size 5 shoe, and size 5 diapers.  She has 4 teeth on top, 3 on the bottom and 4 molars. 

This little gal is full of life!  She will sit back and chill and not require any attention one moment…then jump up and go running through the house causing chaos the next.  No matter what she’s doing she keeps us smiling and we love her more than life! 

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Ryder Funnies

Its been a while since I’ve blogged AND since I’ve shared any Ryder funnies, so here I am killing 2 birds with one stone :)

It seems like the day Ryder started real school he became extra cool and started using words like “duhhh”.  We were so excited around Christmas time because there was a house in our neighborhood that did their lights up really good!  So one night driving home we told Ryder we couldn’t wait to show him this house…as we drove by he was totally unimpressed.  We were like “isn’t it so cool?” His response: “I come by this house every day on my bus, duhhhh!”


Valentine’s Day just passed…Ryder gets really excited about Holiday’s with me, so of course we participated in all the festivities!  He brought Valentine’s to his Church friends at Awana, all of his classmates and teachers at school, him & Daddy shopped for stuff for me, and he got lots of goodies from his friends.  That night he was shocked to see even more goodies from Mommy & Daddy.  His response: “Valentine’s Day makes me so happy I just want to jump up and praise Jesus!”


Out of the clear blue sky one day Ryder said to me “Mommy, when Daddy gets old and passes away I guess I’m just going to have to be your husband!”

I didn’t have the heart to tell him that wasn’t really going to work out.  Which was fine because it was only a few days before he changed his mind…obviously while he was getting in trouble.  “I don’t even want to be your husband anymore anyway!  You are too mean!!!”

And now he thinks it’s my punishment.  Maisy got a new toy and when I was explaining to him that she would get the first turn with the new toy he informed me “You are not fair!  I’m going to find a new wife!  And she is going to let me have the first turn at EVERYTHING!!!”

Good luck to that lucky lady!


Oh my little mini-me…if there was one thing I would have NOT wanted to pass on to my children it would be my anxiety.  Too late!  Ryder’s new words of frustration are: “UGH I am SO obstressed!  I’m like breaking out!”  I love when he uses big words wrong, it makes me smile, takes my stress away, and makes me stop freaking out!


We have a little convenience store close to us called Stop-In.  Alan usually Stops In there to grab cigarettes (Marlboro Menthol Blacks) or whatever else we might need.  The other day Ryder was playing in his room alone.  I kept hearing him say “Yeah, can I get some blacks”… “ding ding…yeah…some blacks please”…he came out to the living room and I was laughing.  He said “whattt??  Could you hear me playing Stop-In?”

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

School Update!

Photo 6 (2)

Ryder is pretty much a professional school go-er now!  He knows the schedule, how to get all around the school, the rules (and how to push the limits!), teachers names, the ins and outs of riding the bus, you name it…he has figured it out! 

Photo 10

Photo 12

He absolutely loves riding the bus to and from school!  He has made great friends with the bus driver and school bus aide, often getting on the bus and giving them both hugs.  When he gets to school either his teacher Miss T or her aide Ms. Payne are waiting for him.  He has breakfast in the cafeteria, then heads back to class for circle time.  In his classroom they learn about the days of the week, the weather, how to recognize and write letters, they read books, have puppet shows, play on iPads, and do lots and lots of crafts that come home in his bookbag.  Every 2 days they switch activities…so for 2 days they have PE, next 2 days they have art, then library, then music class.  He really enjoys all of the variety!  They have lunch in the cafeteria, then nap time, then snack time, and one last circle time before they load the buses to come home.

He has made several trips to the nurses office, probably because they think he’s cute in there and he gets lots of sympathy! He bumps his head a lot, little uncoordinated thing.  We need to keep working on his core strength in therapy so he can stop having so many accidents!

I have great communication with his teacher.  She calls any time I need to know something and sends really thorough notes home on all of his projects.  When he gives them a good laugh she usually calls to tell me that too.  Also, when there is a problem, she lets me know so that I can talk to him about it at home.  The problem usually relates to sharing and keeping his hands to himself!

I really thought that such a full schedule was going to be hard on him, but he has proved me SO wrong!  He gets home from a full day of school and is wired!  I put in his IEP that he would not come to school on Friday’s because I thought he’d be too tired, but he insists on going, so it seems like he can’t get enough of it.

Ryder got his very first ever report card!  It was funny because I opened his book bag and pulled this out:

Photo 8 (2)

And got OVERLY excited!  Ryder’s response was “what’s a report card??” haha.  So we explained to him how he will be getting report cards all throughout school and how Good report cards have Good rewards, and Bad report cards have Bad consequences!  Of course Pre-K report cards have crazy lettering and aren’t really going to be “bad” but he got all P’s & H’s which stood for “Progressing” and “With help from adult”.  Then it was filled with notes from his teacher.

Photo 4

Some of the things she wrote were “Ryder entered the PreK Special Ed class with enthusiasm and a smile.  He has adapted well to the classroom routine and consistently is the first to respond to directions to prepare for activities.  He has made positive progress in many areas of development.”  And “Ryder demonstrates a strong use of vocabulary throughout the day. He describes the current weather and everyday events appropriately.  He tells adults what his peers are doing and how he thinks they feel.”  Yup, sounds about right!  Of course there were comments like “He loves to inform everyone he meets that his sister (who is 1) is mean because she takes all his toys without asking.” And “Ryder rarely has periods of noncompliance except for a few attempts to “trick” teachers by closing the door on them as he enters the hallway first.”  Mischievous Marsh.

Photo 11

He also had a handwritten note from the Asst. Principal…

Photo 9

All in all we were very pleased with his very first ever report card!  So to the Dollar Store we went to pick out a reward!  Of course he picked a fire truck.

Photo 2 (2)

It’s funny how you feel like you are the only one who knows your child, then they go to school and you read someone else’s words who seems to know them almost as well!!  Reading through this report card has really solidified for me that we are making the right choices for Ryder.  This one-on-one attention he’s getting is putting him in such a great position to be ready for regular classes when it comes time for Kindergarten.  He has come so far and we couldn’t be more proud of him.  Of course he seems like he has aged at least 5 years now that he is “too cool for school” and uses the word “DUH” when he talks to us!

Photo 3

Another exciting milestone in his school career is that Ryder got Student of the Month for the month of January!  He got to have a special Principal’s breakfast so I texted his teacher to send me some pics (that’s some serious blog material that I almost missed out on!).  Thank goodness she came through and I got the pics below of him at breakfast and checking out his certificate!

Photo 1   

Photo 7     

We are so proud of our boy and this makes me SO excited for the school career he has ahead!  He’s definitely following in Mommy’s footsteps with his love for school and willingness to learn.  Hopefully he stays on that path!

We did a little school interview to complete this post.

Ryder Marsh – 3 years old – Pre-K

What is your favorite thing to do at school? Read about Spot the Fire Dog, He’s a Dalmation.

What is your favorite classroom to be in at school?  The library because I love to sit down and be quiet

(reallyyyy??!!!  could have fooled me!)

What is your favorite thing to learn about at school?  Letters!  My favorite letter is X because that marks the treasure.

Who is your favorite teacher?  Miss Kim…no no no no wait she yells sometimes, Ms Payne, well really its Miss Kim AND Ms Payne.

Who is your favorite friend? S’avion because we like ummm talk and build together and stuff.

What is your favorite thing for Mommy to pack you for lunch? Watermelon and blueberries.

What is your favorite thing to wear to school? Ironman & Batman clothes

Who do you sit with on the bus? Haven, Lilly, Savannah, and Kimberly…

(big Pimpin in the front seat of the bus over here…DUHHHHH)